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Driving Range???

Tue, Sep 3 2013 1:53 AM (25 replies)
  • fiveintwo
    73 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 8:35 PM

    A practice green with bunkers would be a nice addition to a driving range, with the ability to change wind velocity & direction.

  • gpseymour
    2 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 2:25 PM

    A driving range is okay, you could still try all your different shots there, but a better idea would be a practice round where you can "drop" the ball and attempt a shot. Then "play again" on a single shot, to practice it over and over, using different clubs and different types of shots. This would help those of us who really don't "get" some shots, because trying them during a round (even a practice round) takes too much time between attempts, so we can't work out the details well.

  • coachjmoore
    1,713 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 5:47 AM


    setting up a driving range?

    That depends what you mean by "driving range".

    If you mean a tee so you could just drive balls into the distance I can see the point of that in real life where you work on your stance, grip, swing etc but it's not necessary on here as you're basically just hitting on full power and trying to hit the dinger.

    If you mean being able to practice drives on the courses that WGT has to offer . . . that can be accomplished be selecting "practice" and taking the drive over and over again until you master that particular drive*

    *eerrr no sorry that option isn't available Pascal . . . but it should be in my book . . 

    i think for most , the driving range would be a place to learn better your distances, and what spin does on certain shots....things like that. I would like to see a driving range, just to test out different shots.  for example, i would like to go to the range, and take out my 5 iron. hit it to zero elevation: 1. with no spin, 2. with full bs, 3. with 1/2 bs.  then do it with a certain elevation, wind factors, etc.  work on shots like that.

  • BrianG444
    6 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 3:13 AM


    A driving range is okay, you could still try all your different shots there, but a better idea would be a practice round where you can "drop" the ball and attempt a shot. Then "play again" on a single shot, to practice it over and over, using different clubs and different types of shots. This would help those of us who really don't "get" some shots, because trying them during a round (even a practice round) takes too much time between attempts, so we can't work out the details well.


    Read all the posts on this thread and this seems to be the most sensible/feasable solution to the problem.

    It's something WGT lacks, especially for gaining experience with the short game/putting.

    Response please WGT!




  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 4:58 PM



    A driving range is okay, you could still try all your different shots there, but a better idea would be a practice round where you can "drop" the ball and attempt a shot. Then "play again" on a single shot, to practice it over and over, using different clubs and different types of shots. This would help those of us who really don't "get" some shots, because trying them during a round (even a practice round) takes too much time between attempts, so we can't work out the details well.


    Read all the posts on this thread and this seems to be the most sensible/feasable solution to the problem.

    It's something WGT lacks, especially for gaining experience with the short game/putting.

    Response please WGT!




    It's really strange Brian but WGT won't respond to this.

    I think maybe they've had a meeting and decided players would get too good too fast and not lose so many balls . . . and by getting too good too fast might cut down the amount of time (and money!) players are spending on here.

    It's a shame because WGT is the best golf simulation on the net at the moment . . . but if another golf site brings this idea onboard I can see it becoming the best.

    It was a great idea in the first place having a "Product Suggestions" as part of your forum WGT, but if you're not going to listen or even reply . . . what's the point?


  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:45 PM

    I said many times that the company that makes a Full Driving Range will dominate the market and people who play real golf will flock to the game when they can't get to the golf course. The idea was also to give new beginners an opportunity to learn on the driving range instead  of get into a game with upper level players and not do well and then quit, locking the game up. You loose people if they aren't having a good time and been successful. Ex; Beginner Clubs in the beginning- very forgivable as you were learning to hit the dinger. Then as you moved up  those same clubs became useless and you had to buy better clubs to do the same job. Huh wonder why? 

    Speaking of that, today I had a terrible day playing golf. It seems the Tour Starter clubs were most inconsistent with new Callaway balls. Very Fast greens weren't very fast for the last 4 days and then the shots over 20 ft  were very fast but 5 ft away  they were super slow. Maybe it was just me you don't like and do this to cause me to leave or buy clubs. The day was frustrating to say the least. it would be nice to have the distance and feel back in my clubs until I can upgrade. Or I will just quit  and wish all my friends success and withdraw from your WGT Nation. Pipeman1370

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 2:57 PM

    A practice green with bunkers would be a nice addition to a driving range, with the ability to change wind velocity & direction.


    There's nothing a driving range, a chipping green, or a putting green can teach you about this game that you aren't able to learn in hundreds or thousands of stroke-play rounds.

    Trying to learn how the wind reacts from a driving range will not help anyone learn to play this game any better. The winds variables in this game are too much to try and master. You'll get a different wind result every shot.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 3:02 PM

    Maybe it was just me you don't like and do this to cause me to leave or buy clubs.

    Its the owners of WGT randomly picking players and messing with their game. They don't have anything better to do these days. : )

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 1:48 PM

    How many time did you have to hit the ball before you hit the dinger. It's just like hitting the ball straight on a Driving Range. Practice Drives on the course are a waste of time because you have to keep hitting the ball back. Obviously no one seems to understand that. It doesn't take a Rocker Scientist  to figure it out. Practice is what it takes to become good and if WGT doesn't have problems with greens speeds and distance inconsistencies then i wouldn't bring it up. 

    The last 4 days, I have noticed on Kiawah, St. Andrews and Bethpage  the very fast greens were in fact very slow. This doesn't set well when your trying to get the ball in the hole in the least amount of strokes. 

    Maybe it's just me that this is happening to. i just bought a set of Taylor made Tour Burner irons so I'm not using the old starter clubs ever again. Thanks for all the rough situations you got me into with missed eveything but I hope with these new clubs , I will notice a difference in my score being lower.

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 11:37 AM

    I would like to make one other suggestion if possible.  When I have a ball that is about to go, it would be nice if I could briefly go to my bag and pull out another instead of having to play with the free ball when I might have 2 Nike's when my Callaway goes. The last thing I want to happen is have a gr8 game going with my last Callaway and it goes am I have to finish with a ball that hasn't got the distance or the backspin to stop on the green when I need it to. I know they did when we first started to play but when your Master level, that ball will roll 20 yards past where it lands on the green. Oddly enough, it doesn't roll enough on the fairways. So I think others would agree, it would be a nice feature to be able to get to your bag real quick and change balls.