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Driving Range???

Tue, Sep 3 2013 1:53 AM (25 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2013 11:55 AM

    These rounds are set up as if they are in pro tournament conditions. As such the one ball rule would be in operation so you're not allowed to change balls mid-round. 

  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 8:13 AM

    Practice mode on any course is fine but after 9 strokes of practicing, your on to another tee. What if you want to work on your chip shots 10 or 15 times? You can't do that on the same green. If you want stop and restart after every drive, you can practice that same shot over and over until WGT gets tired of reloading it to you.

    A Driving Range is something all better golf course have. It comes with a small putting green so that you can get the feel for what the course will do that day.

    Every golfer calculates every shot with the acception of the Drive and that has to take into account the wind direction and estimated speed or you may end up right or left of the green like we do here if we're the slightest left or right of the DING.

    I don't know what the cost would be to program it but if wgt had a small charge for practice balls, they could recover their money pretty rapidly.

    I would like to comment on the "inconsistence" problem.  Today I again felt real aggravated with the response of my drives going longer or shorter then they should. The green speeds running slower then set up. If this is the normal, can someone please tell me the formula for putting on all greens. Also how I calculate the wind when it says 20 mph right to left and I allow for 10 yrds right and it goes into the right rough off fairway as if no wind at all. 

    Another thing I found was on my drive with say 14 mph wind crossing 5 0clock to 11, my drives flew of the tee and went 300 yrds with hitting 255. So I thought , shorten up second to the green and came up short in front of the green. Now is that not another situation we need to address. Maybe it's just me WGT does this to because I'm so vocal but I play real golf with a 4  handicap not bad but I don't have these problems there. I play on a course that is used to train college students the golf experience.

    Is not WGT making enough money to continue to do what the people want. What was that expression " Build what they want and they will come". Simple marketing idea. Good luck with your games guys and if you believe everything is perfect then you keep on having fun in your make believe world. Some people see a problem and address it until it's fixed.  WGT FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 10:59 AM


     Maybe it's just me WGT does this to because I'm so vocal

    Maybe you should smoke a lighter strain bud.  ;0)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 1:04 PM

    In a nutshell - WGT will not implement a driving range. This top is probably the most requested item, but it will NOT happen.

    Practice mode on any course is fine but after 9 strokes of practicing, your on to another tee

    Use the new Par three course, aim for off the green, chip on and record your details, then putt the ball off the green and repeat until tou use up your shots and repeat for the following holes. Cerainly looking at your stats - this is where you game needs to improve (along with putting).

    A driving range is great in real life for altering your grip, stance etc, but it will not help on here. Even practice greens are only for fine tuning your putting swing - the greens on a real course are varying speeds due to shade, moisture, sun etc, so on here the best place to practice putting is on the course (before a round play a few holes).

    As for putting there are hundreds of posts, but simplified Standard greens a 10 foot putt (no elevation) should go 10 feet. Take off 10% for each increment in green speed. As you putt on VF greens =  (distance to hole) + elevation (minus for downhill) x 20%. I usually add 1 or 2 feet to the distance to the hole to ensure you are not short. Also for steeper elevations this needs adjustment on Tournament and Faster greens.

    Yes there are inconsistencies, its called VEM and affects all of us. Having said that, I have always had real life VEM on the course, swirling winds etc. All I can say like a poor shot on the real course, forget it and focus on your next shot.

    You have played here long enough with LOTS of ranked rounds but still haven't mastered it, especially the short game. Takes notes of your shots, map your clubs for distances so you KNOW your clubs better and what the effect of spin has, and the type of shot. Plus I would recommend you ditch the starters sand wedge - it is very inconsistant,

    At the end of the day, we will not get a range, it would not be a viable option fpr WGT. What I would like is a mulligan or at the very least, a zero wind option in practice mode (best for mapping clubs).

  • Trilomar
    2 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 1:41 AM

    This is exactly what WGT need.  Only available on practice mode, allow unlimited mulligans so we can practice those tricky situations on tricky holes.



    Surely all you need is a mulligan option on practise mode practise drives chips putts anything


  • Trilomar
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 3 2013 1:53 AM

    Thank you WGT for the Mulligan option in Practice mode.  Brilliant!!