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Mon, Mar 8 2010 2:28 PM (8 replies)
  • DonnieBax
    17 Posts
    Sun, Mar 7 2010 2:18 AM


    What an epic game!

    Characters suck! But, OMFG! Course graphics are AMAZING!

    "I'll be around... I'm a killer at Tiger, so...challenge me here or there.

    All fun and some *** talking "Madden punks" (even though I LUV Madden, gamers tend to be azz holes)

    stoked to find this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • youareintrouble
    103 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 10:02 AM

    This aint Tiger bra.  Most anybody w/a basic understanding of the game can kill at Tiger. It is designed for all ages. I quit playing Tiger from the lack of challenge from the programming. I share your thought on trash talkin but the only trash i have found here is the player who wines about a 30 sec shot and is strugglin w/par. Goodluck and C YA ROUND

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 10:42 AM

    Welcome to the REAL game  :) 

    For me the graphics ARE awesome but its the PHYSICS that really make the game, it really is the most realistic golf game ever invented. 

    Steep learning curve here for sure though shouldn't be as steep for someone really good at another game similiar, but there are lots of little nuances here you wont find anywhere else, some are pretty tricky too but they all make sense. 

    Check the putting tips and Chip and Pitch tips over there  ------------->>>>>

    Those are a HUGE help so you dont get too frustrated too fast. 

    Once you got a handle on most things you might notice the odd shots that deviate, some even wildly, this will be mostly due to the low accuracy of the free clubs, better clubs have much less of this effect. 

    Happy hitting

  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 10:57 AM
    Good luck. Welcome.
  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 11:01 AM

    For me the graphics ARE awesome but its the PHYSICS that really make the game, it really is the most realistic golf game ever invented. 

    Right on Jay.

    I was wondering, if the game can be put on digital still pictures, why can't the game be overlayed on digital video and capture everything moving like trees, shrubs, water, etc., and capture natural ambiance too?

    Is this idea maybe reaching for the stars, or can this be done? It would be way to cool if it worked, that's for sure.

    I still love the game in it's current state irregardless.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 11:31 AM

    Yeah that would be amazing but it would be huge files that would need to be transmitted and I doubt bandwidth could handle it, you think you have stutter now, lol! 

    However if they can have a wavering flag and water that shimmers, I think they might be able to simulate some of the things you mention and having some birds chirping in the background would be a great effect, or how about some light drizzle? 

    Unfortunately Flash is not a very efficient program and everything that gets added really bulks it up, until Flash makes itself more efficient I think we are pretty limited so as to not cause more stuttering in general.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 12:00 PM

    Very interesting Jay. I suppose it would have to be a download of some sort, or played from a disc. It can be done in any event though, right?

    It's amazing in itself to be able to play the current game from our browsers.


    Thanks Jay.

  • DonnieBax
    17 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 2:25 PM

    That's pretty true of TW, if you play as Tiger on the easy settings...tour pro is NOT easy and is definitely not for all ages. Unless 8 yr olds enjoy shooting 32 over. Haha.

    Anyways, this looks like a great game. So, thx for the welcome. Peaccccccc

  • DonnieBax
    17 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 2:28 PM

    Have to agree. the physics are MUCH more realistic. I just started golfing last year IRL, so hopefully I can get through the learning curve asap... and at least be semi-competitive. thanks for the tips and the welcome.

    C ya around hopefully