masgolf: Of course it can't be the player must be the equipment :)
Unfortunately, you're right and wrong. :) Although not perfect, the putting is probably the most consistent aspect of the game, at least IMO. Even the greens that tend to give misreads, give the same misreads every time. A good accurate putter, mostly either the Redwood or Daytona, will go a long way towards harnessing that to your advantage. Looks like you just bought the Redwood.
As for your inconsistencies, distance control shouldn't be one of them. An accurate putter paired with green speed knowledge should have you missing most putts long within a couple feet. If you're having trouble with that, the Putting Tips in the FAQs section is helpful to gauge distance if you haven't read it yet but I'm guessing you have.
If you're still having trouble after buying the Redwood, the next step would be contacting a gypsy to remove the curse that someone has planted on you. In that case, you might need a periwinkle blue caravan in trade.