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CTTH Challenge

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Mon, Jun 18 2012 6:42 AM (4 replies)
  • FlyinDoc
    201 Posts
    Sat, Apr 7 2012 12:53 AM

    Not sure if anyone else has asked for this, or if anyone else will agree with me, but I personally hate the Blitz Challenge Bonus system, and would rather just play a CTTH Challenge game.

    I understand the arguments for the bonus system style, but when someone flukes a hole out, the game is all over bar the shouting instantly - which is nonsense. Too many times, you are left scratching your head at the bonus system scoring method. Surely, a CTTH scoring is neither too difficult to implement, nor is it any less fun.

    Go on WGT, give us an option to play CTTH challenge too.

  • ujjbnjk
    2,129 Posts
    Sat, Apr 7 2012 1:19 AM


    Not sure if anyone else has asked for this, or if anyone else will agree with me, but I personally hate the Blitz Challenge Bonus system, and would rather just play a CTTH Challenge game.

    I understand the arguments for the bonus system style, but when someone flukes a hole out, the game is all over bar the shouting over instantly - which is nonsense. Too many times, you are left scratching your head at the bonus system scoring method. Surely, a CTTH scoring is neither too difficult to implement, nor is it any less fun.

    Go on WGT, give us an option to play CTTH challenge too.

    U have my vote doc!:)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Apr 7 2012 1:32 AM

    Go on WGT, give us an option to play CTTH challenge too.

    One of the first things I asked for when Blitz came out,

    You shoot 53.34 feet, opponent shoots 54.55, you win.

    No green bonuses, etc, just swing and (try to) ding

    Agree 100%.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sat, Apr 7 2012 5:29 PM

    I'm not a fan of the "Arcade Scoring" system either .... but a lot of folks are.    I'd like to see it as a choice when you set up the game.

  • FlyinDoc
    201 Posts
    Mon, Jun 18 2012 6:42 AM

    Now that we have more admin staff, and the big boss listening..

