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Can I gift credits?

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Sat, Mar 13 2010 8:29 AM (12 replies)
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  • masgolf
    17 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:08 PM

    Can I gift Credits?

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:20 PM
    currently I don't think this is an option. You can however, gift equipment.
  • masgolf
    17 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:22 PM

    currently I don't think this is an option. You can however, gift equipment.

    Seems ridiculous that you can't gift credits.   You paid for them you should be able to share them

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:26 PM

    No, actually there are many on this site that have hoards of credits that were NOT paid for, thus the reason it is the way it is.

    HOWEVER, as a food for thought, WGT could consider setting up an option for someone to buy credits for another member, as that can sometimes be appropriate and won't take away any revenue, where as gifting them often would.

  • masgolf
    17 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:33 PM

    Maybe they shouldn't be so free with the credits then.  No biggy.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 7:58 PM

    I don't understand this. Gifting them isn't creating any new credits that WGT loses out on, just redistributes them where they WILL be used, and potentially get someone turned on to upgraded equipment, enticing an actual real money purchase down the road. I'm guessing this is part of the reason they give freebies to begin with, no?

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Mon, Mar 8 2010 8:44 PM

    Think of it this way. 

    A person can argue that the credits weren't won for free, but I dont really agree.  Once a Master gets good he can use his winnings to enter more tourneys and get more winnings and it just keeps going, without spending.  Do the credits come from other people, sometimes but some are from WGT also.   Sure he spent money in the beginning, but in lots of cases that will halt under the current system. 

    So right now if I want to buy clubs I need to spend money, this is good.   If I have a few generous Master friends, which I do (thanks guys!) , they might just give me some of their credits thus I dont pull out my wallet, thats lost revenue right there. 

    Of course some clubs can be gifted and this is the reason that Master and Pro clubs can NOT be gifted, so someone doesnt get a completely free ride.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2010 5:42 AM

    A person can argue that the credits weren't won for free, but I dont really agree.  Once a Master gets good he can use his winnings to enter more tourneys and get more winnings and it just keeps going, without spending. 

    Look at the cost to join a tournament. Just because that master didn't pay he was using credits from people that did pay. Plus the total intake from fees is not paid out equally so WGT is making money just by having the T's. Allowing gifting of credits from existing totals would reduce income but allowing them to be purchased as a gift seems a little more sensible as it would produce new revenues.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2010 6:08 AM

    Transferring credits with no surcharge would inflate cheating.  Besides, WGT will never allow a transaction to occur on here without taking a rip, that's just bad business.

    It technically isn't allowed but can be bypassed by using the MPC system for those within the geographic permitted areas.  The only drawback is the 10% vig.  If they allowed a straight transfer of credits I'd assume they would continue the 10% surcharge.

    The way the system is now almost ensures that a player will spend money once reaching the Master level in order to maintain any further advancement.  The easiest way around it would be to build a sizable stack of credits through MPC, which some choose to accelerate by cherry-picking their opponents.  

    I would expect gifting and possible credit transfers to lessen when, and if, WGT ever chooses to offer prizes in their Elite Collection that aren't completely ridiculous and somewhat obtainable to mortal humans.

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Tue, Mar 9 2010 6:55 AM

    I can see an increase of multiple accounts if credits are allowed to be gifted, even if WGT took a cut of it.   I can understand the argument that the vast amount of credits circulating in WGT land are bought since the amount of credits awarded in the weekly free tournaments is miniscule.

    But, WGT does need to pay it's staff and other company expenses.   Even if it's being done on the backs of players who either don't reside in a state that allows skill based gaming or aren't good enough to accumulate credits.

    The system is fine as it stands now, IMO.   We may not be able to gift credits, but we can gift balls, avatars, and golf clubs, and plenty of players out there do just that (especially since the Elite collection items are unattainable for 99% of WGT players).

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