Tour Players
I appreciate the participation the members are making in this Tour to make it a place for people to come and have fun.
We are all aware of our schedules and times in which we can play. If you know that in a specific week that your availability to complete your rounds in a timely fashion maybe subject to constraints, such as;
- vacation
- work schedule
- away on the weekend.
All these constraints will have an impact on ones availability in completing the final round in a timely fashion. Hence, you may want to fore-go that weeks a tournament since in all likely hood you will not be able to complete your final round.
I do allow some leeway and flexibility in this area, however, it is not to be taken advantage of. Secondly, giving advance notice to a situation is common courtesy and alternate arrangements can be made fast and easily.
The final round pairings are not open for debate, they are there for a reason, which has already been explained.
Have fun and hit em straight