This thread reminds me of an incident I had a few years ago.
I upgraded this lady to a new computer, and she calls me to complain how her batch file processes no longer work, "DUE TO THE UPGRADE!!".
She was adamant that it was something I did, despite me saying what I did had nothing to do with her batch file processing. After listening to her *** and complain to my manager, I decided to check out exactly what was in her batch files.
Sure enough, she had a typo in the file, a typo she made. She quickly backed down, but I took full advantage of her stupidity to ridicule her in front of her peers and co-workers.
The moral of this story is to not be too quick to blame others, for a problem that could very well be on your end. I'm not saying that this site doesn't have any issues. What I am saying is that there are thousands of people who play here every day who have little to no issues (besides the sporadic swing meter hiccup).