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Just a few questions?

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 9 2012 11:34 PM (2 replies)
  • justbeinjustin
    7 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 7:03 PM

    Hey everyone!  First off I just wanted to thank everyone who actually posts useful info on these forums!!  Real helps the amateurs like myself improve their game! :)

    Now, onto the real point of this!


    When is it acceptable to start "Applying/Requesting" to join a club?  I ask because I know I am not nearly as good as most people yet, the problem I am having is I keep playing people who are the same skill level as me or worse and I can't get any insight out of them, or, I play people who are better than I am, but they don't like giving insight or just make fun of me.  Although I do agree, sometimes, the poking fun is totally called for!!


    What are the clubs looking for?  Are all the clubs just looking to be the "best"? Or, would they prefer someone who is active in the game/community? 


    Thanks everyone!


  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 9:57 PM

    Hole In One country club.   Second guess.  Prefer someone who is active in the game.  I'd be willing to share the information that has been shared with me from better player's and include my personal knowabouts and whatnot with you.  Call me up when I'm on, I'm willing to assist and I'm sure many WGT member's that aren't so boastful or stuck up would also.

  • TrufflIE
    524 Posts
    Mon, Apr 9 2012 11:34 PM


    When is it acceptable to start "Applying/Requesting" to join a club?  I ask because I know I am not nearly as good as most people yet, the problem I am having is I keep playing people who are the same skill level as me or worse and I can't get any insight out of them, or, I play people who are better than I am, but they don't like giving insight or just make fun of me.  Although I do agree, sometimes, the poking fun is totally called for!!


    ok simply put, you are asking the wrong people.

    Ask me, either here, or send me a wall post, and I will help to the best of my abilities.

    I'm not the best, either, however I've become pretty good ;)


    I have offered my help, ball is in your court m8.