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Now NOT New and Struggling!!!

Mon, Apr 16 2012 3:01 PM (10 replies)
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  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2012 5:47 AM

    To :-

    Oldbay Runner,Timmytoastman,Pilota1975,Mantis0014,Alosso and Jimmylynch.

    THANK YOU ALL for taking the time recently in answering my plea for help and advice.

    I wanted to write to each one of you but can,t see how to so I,m doing it collectively.

    Fortunately I am progressing,not at the speed I,d like to,and I,ve progressed to level 70 and slowly getting my average score down.

    I was gifted some excellent clubs by an absolute gentleman member who also introduced me to his Country Club so I am making progress in all directions.I have also purchased a couple of clubs and better balls.

    I am getting to know the clubs and their uses and hopefully will be able to upgrade my equipment more soon.

    I am a long way from being a Master and from what I read that is a whole new ball game.....excuse the pun!!! However I,ll face that one when I come to it and meantime intend to continue improving and enjoying my game.

    Believe it or not I AM following ALL the advice I,ve been given and it IS helping.

    So Thanks Again to you all and I will not hesitate to come to the Forums should I need further  help and advice.

    Ronnie (Boquerone) 

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Apr 10 2012 6:20 AM

    Great attitude Ronnie. That is how it gets done. I was getting upset, because, my journey to Legend has hit a brick wall. I have gotten over that. I guess I am lucky it's taking so long, it is obvious I am not ready yet. I have great equipment, have spent a ridiculous amount of money, and have been a TM for what seems an eternity. I do not hold back at all, I post every ranked round I play, (check out my 38 last night, WOW). Granted, I have seen several people lately go from a Hack to a Legend in 60 days or less. Actually happened in my CC and they have since moved on to one of the so called Top CC's. If there is a secret or whatever to advance that quickly, I don't want to know it. A few tips from the helpful, better players on here is all I use, no gauges, or other fancy thing of a bobs. Most important of all, play ranked rounds, don't be one of those who won't post a round, unless it is impressive. Hit em straight, and have fun.

  • TrufflIE
    524 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 9:19 PM

    I'm not a legend yet...

    Mind you i've stopped posting ranked rounds....



  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 4:39 AM

    Thank you for your acknowledgement for the assistance provided. Take your time and learn the courses and how you play them. The vast majority of members learn every time they play and each day is different in some way.

    My advise is to take your time and tier step up when you feel you want to but don't hold off because you feel you aren't ready. When you do equipment does make a difference, which ones to use are really up to what you feel comfortable with using, especially the  swing speed, precision and forgiveness.

    To get prepared one of the things you can do that I didn't think of before I tiered up is play practice stroke rounds off the hard tees to get used to the distance and using longer clubs for approach shots.

    The step from TP to Master is an awakening experience but with a little time the game becomes even more fun to play. Some people feel comfortable getting the upper level equipment and killing the courses with them while staying at the lower tiers but in essence they are missing out on a really good part of the game IMO.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 5:11 AM

    Your very welcome.  We all like to give good advice when needed and I always say to everybody..."the most silliest question can be the best", so don't be frightened to ask em.

    Take you time and try not to push it too hard and the most important thing is to have Fun.

    The more you play the game the better you will get.

    Also a very good way of learning the game is to play a friendly game with somebody else, I'm still learning after seeing somebody play a shot that I wouldn't even think of doing.

    Send me a friends Request if you like




  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 5:23 AM


    You are about to reach the point when you reach TP, (.05 ) 

    I would suggest you get there as soon as you can and then take your time learning the extra yardage and faster greens at that Tier.

    Once you reach Tour pro you can relax and just enjoy the game and the new experience of playing this great game.

    You will find that the .05 to reach the 72 average you need are the hardest to lose:~)) It's the same on every move to a new tier. whether its psychological or the game that slows your progress is debatable, but I have found that in my progress to TM.

    Just relax and enjoy:~)) Don't try to rush it, you will only make more mistakes.

    Happy Golfing.


  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 5:38 AM

    Thanks Roger,

                               Encouragement and advice like yours and other members is always very encouraging. I don,t need to tell you experienced guys how frustrating it can be at times as I,m sure you,ve all been there.

    Classic example of that is this morning playing the club "two tier" tournament 18 holes at St.Andrews I was well pleased with my 2 under par going into the 17th.The last two holes I somehow managed to double bogey to bring me back down to earth!!! But I suppose that,s golf. On here and in the real game!!!

    I do enjoy playing and admit at times I try too hard but the good thing seems to be I am improving all the time so I suppose that,s something.

    Thanks again and it,s a pleasure to add you as a friend.


  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 5:41 AM

    Thanks again for the extra helpful advice re practising on hard tees and longer shots.I,m sure that will assist my game when I move up to TM.

    Time as they say is off the essence and fortunately being retired I do have time to fit in two or three games a day. Obviously depending on other day to day activities.


  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 6:27 AM

    Thanks again Mel,

    Sound advice as always.

    Being honest I don,t know whether I,m looking forward to progressing to the next level or not!!! Sounds like a bit of extra pressure but as you say the game is to be enjoyed so I,ll keep trying to do that and not take it too seriously.

    Although at times it,s difficult as I said to another member relating my 18 holes over St.Andrews this morning in the Club Two Tier tournament. One of my best ever rounds,2 under going into the seventeenth then managed to double bogey the last two for 2 over!!! Aargh!!!  And I must have had 4 or 5 missed birdries through putts finishing a few inches from the cup.

    I,ll keep going though until I break through that .05 barrier and then try and take it easier.


    Cheers for now mel,


    (Sounds like an ideal location where you reside!!! Countryside on your doorstep!!!)



  • Boquerone
    2,574 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 6:35 AM

    Thanks again for responding.

    It,s honest players like yourself who make it worthwhile plodding on and your comments are very encouraging.

    I have,nt really thought about progressing to TM until recently when my avge score has dropped as I play more and improve,slowly but surely.

    I,m lucky as I,ve been helped with equipment and lots of advice from members.I,ve been overwhelmed at times with the advice I have received when posting a problem and members,like yourself,go out of there way to offer help and advice.

    I do play ranked rounds and always post my scores,no matter how bad!!! At times in tournaments I,ve been embarassed to post my scores but won,t cheat by not posting a score. 

    Anyway here,s to good golfing and Thanks Again!!!

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