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10 Suggestions For Improving WGT

Thu, Oct 11 2012 11:15 AM (21 replies)
  • Antipholus
    16 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 9:11 PM

    1. Start tracking stats for Matchplay Challenge games. When you combine the fact that matchplay challenge stats and achievements are unrecorded, that only Matchplay victories show up on a player's recent activity log and that a player is free to delete his own wall, you create an environment ripe for sandbagging. It makes it very difficult to gauge the skill level of who you are playing because you get these players that only ever play Matchplay Challenge games. You can only see who they beat not who they lose to and they delete their wall so you cannot see other player's comments regarding their play. Their stats are throwbacks to when they first started playing before they took up careers as Matchplay Challenge players and so the GIR and Driving stats are just not reliable and in fact can be outright deceptive.

    2. Implement live tournaments with grouping and a gallery option for players to watch matches live OR at least allow group play for the big open tournaments so that I don't have to play a hundred rounds by myself trying to qualify for the U.S. Open. A little company on the course during the qualification process would be great to keep from getting bored and to learn how other players may approach the course. Live tournaments are another ideal option for a social golf site. We like to emulate what we see on tour and having 4 day live tournaments would be a huge hit. Players would essentially be paired with other players and the tournament would progress just like any other pga tournament. I also think live tournaments and a gallery option would help to quiet some of the skeptics who claim that certain top players know something everyone else doesn't. I know I would really enjoy a live tournament and would equally enjoy the ability to watch some of the great players on here play a live round from the gallery. It would be a great way to test some of the better players level of composure when they know a few hundred people might be watching them complete their round!

    3. The proverbial dead horse: Provide more clubs and equipment choices and roll-out new courses on a more frequent basis. Some people want a driving range or a practice pitch and putt green; I can see the drawback to it but I think a driving range with a bucket of balls fee would be a great way to earn revenue simply by mapping 1 pretty easy hole. Mapping a driving range has got to be a breeze compared to going out and mapping an entire 18hole golf course. Again I understand this might be an issue with the deviations and such allowing a player to hit the same shot over and over again but it could work. Maybe a product for a golf glove that works like the power up drinks or the putter pal that slows your meter down for an hour or increases your club precision for the duration of the product.

    4. Implement Alternate Shot Challenge and Stroke Play Challenge games. 

    5. More customizeable bag options like the ability to customize the distance intervals on your putter or replace an iron club with a wedge or hybrid, etc.

    6. Fix the Tour Master / Legend Tournament green speed discrepancy. Especially for Ready-Gos, there needs to be some clarification as to exactly what green speed we are playing.

    7. Implement a button to speed up the putting grid dots or a setting to include more or less dots per square foot. Like if I hold the shift button the dots will temporarily move faster. There are times when you are playing a short timer game or you just have a putt where the dots are just not appearing on the line of the break fast enough to hit your shot.

    8. Implement the Reputation feature or at least provide a disconnection percentage or 'connectivity reliability" statistic, something to indicate how likely it is that a player will complete a round whether due to technical issues or otherwise. I understand rude players and quitters buy clubs and balls too so WGT is reluctant to implement a system that might ostracize them, but its a feature many players support and have asked for and wgt obviously had its own plans for this feature or they would not have hard-wired it into the interface of the game. 

    9. Provide more Cash-Out options. The exchange rate on wgt is worse than Chuck E Cheese (which as a side-note has a game very similar to wgt called the "chuck e cheese cyclone" possibly the inspiration for the wgt meter!). But seriously, there is only so much equipment and avatar outfits one can buy. Some more options with better conversion rates than a 15% cash value gift card would be nice. I would play these higher stakes Ready-Gos and spend more money on balls and Matchplay Challenge fees if I could do something with all the credits I win.

    10. Implement an option to kick your clubs, spit and scream obscenities on the course. But in all seriousness, lets do something about the belligerent players. How about a MUTE or IGNORE option for the in-game chat so that if I do encounter a rude player I don't have to read the chat or deal with the orange chat icon flashing all game. Another thing rude players do in Matchplay Challenges is they start 'Requesting To Drop Game' when you are trying to hit a shot, this option should only be allowed during the requesting players turn, its like screaming in someone's back swing.

  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 9:42 PM

    have you quite finished now lol.interesting read with some good points

  • FlyinDoc
    201 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 10:33 PM

    Good post, Anti. I'd like to add a suggestion to implement some sort of Ranking System. The 'How to Rank' would be contentious surely, but anything is better than the present "average" system.

    We must play again soon and catch up..

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 11:05 PM

    Guess it is time to voice my opinion on rep points, and why I think it will not work.

    (true happenings to often)

    MPC game

    I am up 2 after 2 holes

    Opponent drives in  the rough, complains of meter problems (why play MPC if ya have them) and asks to drop match.

    I say no.

    Opponent goes and makes ya wait through the timer down to a few seconds, restarts, and again asks to drop match.


    In the end, I win the match and the credits, but the azz wipe will most likely ding my rep points cause he/she didn't get the "drop match" from me.

    Funny how you only get metered when behind...

  • 1965joey
    2 Posts
    Wed, Apr 11 2012 11:48 PM

    WGT needs to better their servers. There has been times that all of a sudden it freezes up.Then i try to get back and it won't let me get back to the course.


  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, Apr 12 2012 1:17 AM

    Number 11...Should be good.

  • Allen63
    364 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 5:23 AM

    I like most every point on your list Anti with only a couple exceptions (well done mate).

    The only other thing I'd like to add would be MORE AVATAR OPTIONS...but I've said that before too.

  • ltcharlie3
    114 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 6:46 AM

    All play should be ranked, unless your playing alone in practice mode. Maybe this would take care of some of these guys at level 80 and still Tour Pro's and below.

  • Antipholus
    16 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 9:00 AM

    Thx m8, I agree more avatar options would be great. I've played rounds where all four players had the same character avatar! Talk about confusing. Personally, I'd like to see them add the Twins from The Matrix as playable characters;  wouldn't mind shooting a round as one of them. lol

  • Antipholus
    16 Posts
    Fri, Apr 13 2012 9:17 AM

    MBaggese, this would only be a problem in the very initial stages of a reputation system because although he might ding your reputation points, you are going to ding his too. Lets assume that this player then goes on to do this again in another match and he again dings his opponents rep points because he/she wouldn't drop the match. Because his reputation has been previously dinged his rep vote wouldn't carry as much weight. That's how a reputation system works, just like in real life.

    Think about it. When Tiger's first mistress came forward, people were quick to call her a liar and dismiss her claims. However, as more and more came forward the public began to think that not everyone of these girls must be lying and before you know it Tiger's reputation suffered and the reputation of the first girl had been restored. It's very easy to implement because it works just like in real life. You might have one person talk bad about you when its not true but if you carry yourself properly out on the course and in your dealings with other players you are going to end up with way more positive rep points than negative ones. The rude, obnoxious and classless players however will slowly drop in the rep system and thus their votes will mean less and less.

    But, the word "reputation" is probably what is holding us up. It almost seems that a reputation system would violate wgt's Terms & Conditions regarding harassing other members. I think a much more appropriate feature would be the "% of multiplayer games not completed". That way it's an objective statistic not a subjective one and I think that's really what people want anyway when they speak of a "reputation" system. We mainly want to guard against getting into games with the quitters. One of my suggestions above was to roll out Challenge Stroke Play and Alternate Shot matches. I think most players would be willing to put up a nominal credit amount to play in the games and that way if a player disconnects his credits are at stake. That's as good a deterrent as negative rep points imho.

    The sandbagging problem is another issue that is really better addressed outside of the reputation feature. Sandbagging could be eliminated through better stat tracking and by making equipment availability based on a player's average NOT level. But that would certainly affect the bottom line here as it is currently much easier to lower your average than to level up. In fact I believe they even sell level ups in the pro shop these days! lol.