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Why is it that so few people have interest in country club tournaments?

Thu, Apr 26 2012 3:24 PM (36 replies)
  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 9:33 AM

    Dear all,


    As member of a country club, I try to set up a tournament at least once a month, mostly one that has an entry fee, yet never with an exagerating amount. The past year or so, I notice that it are always about the same members that enter those tournaments, and they are only, or not even, just a handful.

    Why is it that so few people have interest in country club tournaments?

    Is it because of the fee? Since if you are any good or above, you can actually win the fee back and more. Besides, fun should always be the main motivator to play, right?

    Is it because mainly I prefer to play St-Andrews? Since to my experience, it is about the best course, yet that is a personal opinion.


    All respectful reactions are very welcome!


    See you on the course!



    567 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:19 AM

    It's the million dollar question for me. Why join a club if you never play in the tourneys ( fee or free ). Ill never know. Moondogs is as good as it gets though!


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:21 AM

    Once a month? I think you should have continous tournaments, both free and for credits. Lots of variation, 9 and 18 and multi-round. A few match-play tornys and the odd inter club one too. Knock-out ones seem to be popular.

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:21 AM

    Don't let it get to you too much, the club I'm in is very active but there is still a core of players who show up for each tourney and are active in the forums.  I even ran a tourney for Pro tier and under offering a free set of whatever they wanted from the pro shop as a prize and got, I think, 2 entries from Pro players out of about 14 in the club at the time.

    Entering tourneys seems to be very closely linked to being active in the forums and I don't know of anything you can do to change that.  Our club gets trimmed down now and then and inactive players get replaced with, hopefully, more active ones.

    We get around 35-40% of the club regularly taking part in the big tourneys, usually several rounds run over the course of a few weeks.  I honestly don't know if this is a good figure in a club with 100 members but have a feeling it's not at all bad.

    My favourite course has to be BPB, always a challenge but when you get it right it's a real pleasure to play.  Maybe you could make tourneys on one of the best of courses, you get a good mix that way and everyone should find something they like.

    Good luck!

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:56 AM

    Probably it is a question of players who want to be active in club tournaments joining clubs with other like-minded players. Our club is very active, with regular free weekly tournaments attracting about 40 players plus new tournaments about every day (free or paid). Some of these others just attract perhaps 5 players, but mostly they seem to attract 10-20+ players.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 11:37 AM

    We had this problem when our captain set up 18 hole tourneys, free and for dough.

    For many members they seem to long.

    A series of 9 hole tournaments, freebees, has found broad response, mainly those with unlimited play. The maximum was about 40 % members participating.

    I'm sure that now the more demanding tourneys will find better acceptance.

    And yes, there should be always an active tournament.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 1:02 PM

    We've had over 100 players in CC tournaments at East Coast CC.... Maxwere does an amazing job as the owner and Jeff1026 is the tournament director.  If you are looking for a great club check out East Coast.

  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 1:43 PM

    Dear Piztaker,

    Indeed, only once since so few respond to it and somehow I am afraid to overwhelme everybody. Never knew that inter club and knock-out were possible, I think it might be time to change Country Club, or start my own?


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 1:46 PM


    Don't let it get to you too much, the club I'm in is very active but there is still a core of players who show up for each tourney and are active in the forums.  I even ran a tourney for Pro tier and under offering a free set of whatever they wanted from the pro shop as a prize and got, I think, 2 entries from Pro players out of about 14 in the club at the time.

    Entering tourneys seems to be very closely linked to being active in the forums and I don't know of anything you can do to change that.  Our club gets trimmed down now and then and inactive players get replaced with, hopefully, more active ones.

    We get around 35-40% of the club regularly taking part in the big tourneys, usually several rounds run over the course of a few weeks.  I honestly don't know if this is a good figure in a club with 100 members but have a feeling it's not at all bad.

    My favourite course has to be BPB, always a challenge but when you get it right it's a real pleasure to play.  Maybe you could make tourneys on one of the best of courses, you get a good mix that way and everyone should find something they like.

    Good luck!

    Dear Mainzman,

    35 to 40 attending? That is a huge amount. In my CC, with about160 members, it is rare if 7 or 8% is reached!

    The BPB is indeed a very hard one to crack, yet a nice one, that is true!


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 1:53 PM


    Probably it is a question of players who want to be active in club tournaments joining clubs with other like-minded players. Our club is very active, with regular free weekly tournaments attracting about 40 players plus new tournaments about every day (free or paid). Some of these others just attract perhaps 5 players, but mostly they seem to attract 10-20+ players.

    Dear Zag,

    Your CC sounds very interesting since so active, that is just great! I think it might be time to change Country Club, or start my own?
