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US OPEN 9 hole comp

Tue, May 8 2012 2:04 AM (38 replies)
  • greatwhitedale
    307 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 6:53 PM

    leading score is 26, pffffffffffffffff  for christ's sake thats 2.8 feet per hole on avg,  SAY NO MORE !  unrealistic, cant be done, never was done ( legally )  kick these bastards off, u may be saying well it was done, yes it was, but i wonder how,  yeah most of us know how. but im saying no more, its just wearing THIN now and its getting old. 

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 7:15 PM

    Wait until the Open. There could very well be a 49 posted. There will definitely be a 50-52.

    I'm sure there are players who cheat in this game, but it can't be proven, so it's best to not throw stones in a glass house.


  • cthusker174
    3 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 7:32 PM

    Could not agree more! No freaken way those scores are being done legal... 26?  HAHAHAHAHAHAH  What a joke!!  IMPOSSIBLE! Why do they let these CHEATS get away with this crap? Makes playing in these thing a freaken joke....  

  • FlyinDoc
    201 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 8:07 PM

    A man ran the 100 meters in 9,58 seconds? No way! Must be an alien or on drugs. Or both.


    It's not possible that he trains hard and is simply more talented than the others. That would be a ridiculous notion. Stop it. 

    1,011 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 9:57 PM

    With the exception of 1 tricky hole  which after you play it enough times figure out how to get it close, this is the one of the easiest of all the ctth tourneys. The r11 clubs satin/cleve wedges with nikes balls incredibly accurate.

    Yardages are

    1 165
    2 106
    3 23
    4 160
    5 143
    6 22
    7 116
    8 188
    9 29

    It averages 105 yrds per hole

    8 holes under 165 yrds and 5 under 116 and 3 under 29 yrds

    You have unlimited tries and if you are over 10ft through 3 holes, just hit restart.(over and over)

    win1soon is a very talented player who takes lots of notes and if hits a bad shot, will restart again and again until he gets the shot down, learning each time how the shot will roll out after it lands.

    Yes 26 ft is outstanding number... damn its outright sick.. but there is a great number of top players who could achieve similar results if had patience and desire to grind it out like win1soon has done. There are 4 very simple shots, so the focus is on the 5 remaining ones.

    Give you an idea of what it took my to grind one out. I played the harbourtown ctth from 5 am this morning until about 11pm tonight. Taking 2-3 hrs total in breaks during the day.  (boring sunday huh) I dont know why I dug my heels in on that one, but it was a challenge. Kinda stupid looking back at it, but no doubt Ill have a  few more days like that before the month is out for the 9hole challenge at olympic. ( Ive already invested about 10 hrs in olympic)

    During that time today, I saw the first hole over 400 times, and maybe got to 3rd hole 100 times   and only 9 times did get to and play the 9th hole to finish the round.

    There are guys who can score better than me with much less effort. win1soon is one of them.    Win1soon put the number outthere, but as time goes along, I imagine that even his 26 won't hold up with the clubs/balls we have today on such a short ctth.


    sub 30ft rounds on kiawah front cttp by tibbets with wgt clubs will never be repeated.


    I agree with Icon, not taking anything away from win1soon but his 26 at olympic with r11's and nikes is not nearly as impressive as tibbets sub 30 on kaiwah ctth with wgt ballls and clubs


  • GolfDum
    396 Posts
    Sun, Apr 15 2012 10:13 PM

    Seriously with the cheat posts?

    Do you know these people? Do you have any clue how many times they hit restart? Do you have any clue how many notes they take? Do you have any clue how many mistakes they make and learn from? I could go on and on with this.

    No you don't!

    I do know allot of them and I respect the fact that they can be so diligent to play that well. Shut up with your accusations until someone proves it.

  • Jolexi
    429 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 5:22 AM

    You guys crying cheat are just bitter that you're not good enough to do it yourself.

    I'm by no means anywhere near as good as the top players, but I know I'm pretty good and learn from my mistakes.

    I started having a go at it about a week ago and was shooting around 200pts. Then it started coming down because, If you have any intelligence at all, you can deduce the best way to play each hole.

    After using up a couple of Nikes I started to use the free ball and have now scored a 65.15 after about 10 restarts, and that was only because i hit the one out of the bunker half a yard too hard and it rolled to 20ft away, otherwise it would have been in the 50's and put me on the 1st page.

    The scorecard said my potential was a score in the 30's, and I'm only a Tour Master using the gobstopper.

    So stop crying, accept there are people on here with WAY more skills than you, go get your clubs out and start using your brain a bit more.

  • bulfrog2004
    102 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 5:26 AM

    I have to agree with the OP looks like he cheated again and bested his 26 with a 24!  I can't believe that WGT allows such cheating to take place.   I mean he probably played the thing just the 2 times first time with a 26 second time with a 24 I highly doubt that he ever hit restart and probably hasn't gone through 1 ball yet playing.  My guess is that since he does cheat to make it more interesting and fun for himself he plays with his eyes closed or in fact he might actually be blind...tbd.  

    Win1 is a stud and a friend calling him a cheater would be like me calling you a great player...lies.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 6:32 AM

    I have to agree with the OP looks like he cheated again and bested his 26 with a 24!  I can't believe that WGT allows such cheating to take place.

    7 hours after Runwme posts a totally spot on explanation of how it can be done you make this silly statement? Can't you read or don't you bother to read past the first post?

    Take another stab at understanding. At the end of a round you get the card that shows you your potential best. In case you don't know what this is, it's the very best 9 shots you have taken over every time you've played it.  THAT number could happen if you can duplicate those 9 shots one round.

    What is yours, Run? (just curious)

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Apr 16 2012 6:53 AM


    I have to agree with the OP looks like he cheated again and bested his 26 with a 24!  I can't believe that WGT allows such cheating to take place.

    7 hours after Runwme posts a totally spot on explanation of how it can be done you make this silly statement? Can't you read or don't you bother to read past the first post?

    Take another stab at understanding. At the end of a round you get the card that shows you your potential best. In case you don't know what this is, it's the very best 9 shots you have taken over every time you've played it.  THAT number could happen if you can duplicate those 9 shots one round.

    What is yours, Run? (just curious)

    Jim did you read the whole post? 

    Win1 is a stud and a friend calling him a cheater would be like me calling you a great player...lies.

    It was sarcasm.  Why dont you take another stab?

