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No WGT Spring and Summer Tour?

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:12 PM (8 replies)
  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Tue, Apr 17 2012 1:02 AM

    It looks like there is no Spring Tour (after the Fall and Winter tour). Indeed, no qualifier tournament yet.

    I know that the comings months two new courses will be released (well one for sure, in May, don't know about the second one yet) together with the associated competitions (US Open and Open). But I was thinking that this WGT Tour was a new competition which would run all over the year.

    Don't know why there is no WGT Tour during Spring and Summer... ?

    Digression (yes I cannot make short post...) :

    I think WGT Tour was a nice idea which brought a lot of interests. From my point of view this was the most interesting competition so far because it would last over a rather long period of time. Three qualifiers, three championships and a final over 3 months. So a good score posted on the first month would still have some meaning three month later if it allowed you to qualified for the final.

    As I already mentionned before in another thread, beside the social part of this site, I believe that long term competition is what can keep you interested in this site. I mean, for a ready-go, a bad or very good score can be forgotten the next day and you have to start over from scratch the next day (or the next hour). So from some aspects ready-goes are nice but after a while you feel like Sisyphus, starting over again the same stuff :) (and I don't play much ready-goes, I have to admire Yoban for example...).

    I know that competitions like WGT Tour are only really interesting for those who can qualify for the championship and, to some extend, for the final. But there are probably ways to extend the interest. For example with the same amount of prizes you could do the following.

    For the moment, the top 100 in the qualifiers are qualified to play the championship where the top 10 players win a 100$ gift card and where the top 3 are qualified for the final where the winner gets a 1000$ gift card.

    But an alternative would be that the top 100 players in the qualifier are qualified for an elite A championship and players from ranked between 100 and 200 are qualified for an elite B championship (with ties, it would amount to around 300 players, perhaps even more). Top 10 in elite A championship win a 80$ gift card and top 10 in elite B championship win a 20$ gift card. The top 3 players in elite A championship and elite B championship are qualfied for a final A and a final B respectively. The winner of the final A gets a 800$ gift card and the winner of the final B wins a 200$ gift card.

    With this kind of system more players could play to win some prizes and thus more players would find it interesting while the total amount of money involved is the same.

    (yes I know that some kind of sandbaging could occur with this system where good players could qualfiy on purpose to play in elite B instead of playing in elite A where they belong to. This is just a raw idea and by thinking a bit more this could problem be prevented and anyway because a bad round can occur anytime to anybody, even if you are a top player, you are not sure to win in elite B).


  • dud_doodle
    135 Posts
    Tue, Apr 17 2012 9:45 AM

    I just wanted to say I also am disappointed to not see a Spring tour. I certainly hope to see this tour come back soon, this gave a lot of players something to look forward to each month.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Tue, Apr 17 2012 1:43 PM

    yep...I for one always looked forward to it.

    I'm sure it'l be back...don't think they would cancel it for no apparent reason, as it seemed to run pretty smoothly. I'm thinking they are skipping spring tour due to the 2 major's coming up and will bring it back in 3 months for summer tour

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2012 10:19 AM


    No spring tour. I don't know about summer; I suspect it'll be decided then.


  • Hanswurst72
    1,097 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 2:01 PM

    In case the reason is to not spend 1000$ for it, just lower it. Thats not the main part of this tournament anyway. Its defnitely more about the ranking aspect of it. Bring this tour back please!!

    Two improvements:

    1) Do a proper job at broadcasting the final, hell its the FINAL of a 3 month stretch!!

    2) Give a winning amount to every play of the final:


    For example:











    ,which would equal at 1000$ total also?

    Cheers, Hans



  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 2:44 PM

    I too am disappointed not to see a spring tour. It was something different than the usual weekly tourneys and ready go's.

    I'd like to see a tour similar to the US or European tours. Something with an order of merit table. Maybe the OoM table could also be a way of qualifying for the majors. Top 50 or something qualify and then another 50-100 from the qualifying event that wgt do now.

  • borntobesting
    9,743 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:03 PM

    Maybe the 2 opens at least i hope there are 2 opens may be the reason for no Spring and Summer WGT tour.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:04 PM


    In case the reason is to not spend 1000$ for it, just lower it. Thats not the main part of this tournament anyway. Its defnitely more about the ranking aspect of it. Bring this tour back please!! 



    I'd like to see a tour similar to the US or European tours. Something with an order of merit table. Maybe the OoM table could also be a way of qualifying for the majors.


    I proposed similar things 6 months ago when Fall Tour started. This would at least give meaning to competitions you are playing all over the year (not like with the weekly and ready-goes where at some point you feel like Sisyphus doing the same thing all the time without any real point). A competition played on, let's say, January would still have effects several months later because of the ranking made from all these competitions and the possible qualification to some big competition (majors or a new one).


  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:12 PM



    In case the reason is to not spend 1000$ for it, just lower it. Thats not the main part of this tournament anyway. Its defnitely more about the ranking aspect of it. Bring this tour back please!! 

    Do a proper job at broadcasting the final, hell its the FINAL of a 3 month stretch!!




    I'd like to see a tour similar to the US or European tours. Something with an order of merit table. Maybe the OoM table could also be a way of qualifying for the majors.


    I proposed similar things 6 months ago when Fall Tour started. This would at least give meaning to competitions you are playing all over the year (not like with the weekly and ready-goes where at some point you feel like Sisyphus doing the same thing all the time without any real point). A competition played on, let's say, January would still have effects several months later because of the ranking made from all these competitions and the possible qualification to some big competition (majors or a new one).


    BIG +1

    Cheers, GC