I was pretty young when this came out, still makes me wanna dance. Thus began my first crush...Mr. Nathan Morris. Was lucky enough to finally see them last year, and there is still nothing wrong with the way he is looking! Just sayin'...
gwon....try to not wanna dance...
Iny - I haven't heard that song in a minute!!! Awesome addition!
Don't chu know I'm loco?
Hey Jenn...thought I'd slip in a little good 'ol down home Red Hot Chicken...this should get your junk ta funk...LOL
And this one should "wet your willie"...LOL...because she's Too Tall to Mambo...hahaha
IvaThongon: OK, so I had a first here on WGT. Someone actually called me an a-hole in one of the forums. Guess you can't make everyone happy. Whatever!
OK, so I had a first here on WGT. Someone actually called me an a-hole in one of the forums. Guess you can't make everyone happy. Whatever!
Jenn...JUST KEEP ON SMILING...makes the day and the way go a lot smoother :)
IvaThongon: The rules are simple, when on this thread you MUST: Turn your speakers up loud Back away and give yourself some room Shake it like ain't no one watchin'
The rules are simple, when on this thread you MUST:
Time to hook you guys up again...
Can we shake it nice and slow? Mmmmmm....mmmmm.....mmmmmm.....good.
Alright...after that slow one this should stir you up and stoke your fire...sniff, sniff...somethin' is burning...LOL...Donna has got it goin' on...SHAKE DAT THANG!!!