If you're having trouble with an offer, please fill out a support request from the offer status page here.
This will send a request to our partners at Gambit who process the offers. You can do this by clicking on the "?" next to the offer listed under your "offers in progress" section. Every offer you click will show up in this section for 10 days just in case you are having trouble with the offer.
Once you create a support request with valid info, please answer all the questions the support representative asks and send all necessary confirmation information. Once our partners at Gambit receive all the necessary information, they forward it to the advertisers to confirm. They can only credit your account after the advertiser confirms that you completed the offer correctly. Please note that it takes some advertisers up to a week to verify the conversions after they have been sent all the necessary information.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email Gambit directly at gambithelp@getgambit.com.