ghettocop1: There are hundreds of quitter threads already out there.
I have seen some excellent signs of improvement earlier today. Namely, various quitters threads merged into one. If that's Nivlac's doing, kudos to him! And if he did nothing else than keep merging all quitters threads from now on into a single thread, his hiring by WGT would have paid off beautifully.
Just one suggestion: I believe this single remaining quitters thread should be placed in the main WGT Beta forum, instead of in And Everything Else. That's because dealing with quitters is a serious issue of importance for huge numbers of WGT users; an issue that WGT is about to address with the reputation tracking.
ghettocop1: Just weary of all these lame quitter threads.
Absolutely, all of us are. But that's because of all the senseless duplication (or thousand-ication). If WGTniv can keep each and every quitters post ever made from now on, in that single centralized quitters thread, then everything will be fine. All discussion regarding the quitters will be allowed to take place in that single thread, and everyone not interested in this particular topic will be able to easily ignore that single thread.