Yes, I get so sick of this! Late spring this year I was losing a ton of games because of the same problem. It happens once in awhile. Today, twice. Yesterday once.
I submitted a report yesterday and today. Maybe someone can figure what's wrong in the next 6 months, Then fix it within the next year.
Yeah, you can click the forfeit and that works fine!
Click continue game, then continue. Nothing happens, and the continue button is grey. Click forfeit game, then the continue lights up green again as an option. You can actually repeat for continue game after the above mentioned, but the continue never works.
I hate it when there's a loading problem, someone tries to restart/reopen the window. We're waiting in the lobby for them to comeback, then I get booted to the main game selection menu. No error, no win, no loss. Nothing comes on to say the game status, until you try to start again. You think the game was canceled or something, but nope. You return to find out you lost.
GOOD TIMES, I tell you.