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Re: Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 4:56 PM


    Note I am awaiting Jeremy's confirmation that he can indeed step into this gap,

    Consider it confirmed Corwyn.  I can make it tomorrow morning.

    I'll be ready to go at that time as well.


  • johehejo
    282 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 5:42 PM

    Ok - thx for the answers Mike and Jeremy. We start tomorrow 10:30 am WGT time. 

    Greetz Joerg

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 5:58 PM

    I'll be ready to go at that time as well.

    I'm concerned about clarity here... Mike seems to have replied on the previous page to Jeremy's first message from this morning, and I believe things have moved on since then via PM, with the revised proposal of playing at 10:30am WGT time (instead of 8am), and that will then be Mike's afternoon.

    I got a PM from Jorg nearly 2hrs ago to say that it needs to be later than first planned on Saturday, because Mark is returning from work.

    (And also he said that Jeremy can't do Sunday, so it does need to be Saturday)


    I understand the revised suggestion is to play Saturday 10/24 at 10:30am WGT time (which is 5:30pm UTC):


    Mike (KyRock75): your 1:30pm local time.

    Jeremy (Jerm65): your 11:30am local time   CONFIRMED

    Mark (FairwayRuepel68) your 7:30pm local time   CONFIRMED

    Joerg (johehejo): your  7:30pm local time   CONFIRMED

  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 6:19 PM

    1:30 pm for me is great   cya's then



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 6:31 PM

    Lovely. Thank you Rock!

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:05 PM



    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH B ::  ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs        duffputt & JoeMaverick

    B :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is also weekends, and with mm's schedule it can only be Saturday. Thus, please try for this Saturday 10/24 between 3-9pm UTC (8am-2pm WGT time).

    Note: that because match has to happen Saturday, I have not yet amended Mikkel and Joe's Time Zone, which will change for end of Daylight Savings in early AM of 10/25.

    Following is the revised proposal as Oct.23:

    Russ (ColumbusStorm): Saturday, 10/24, your 2pm local time. Confirmed

    mmyers0: Saturday, 10/24, your 1pm local time.

    Mikkel (duffputt): Saturday, 10/24, your 8pm local time. Confirmed

    Joe (JoeMaverick): Saturday, 10/24, your 8pm local time. Confirmed


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Oct 24 2015 9:07 AM

    All right, folks, here we go with the start today of the week 2 series, the Foursomes (AltShot) Matches.

    This morning we have two matches that will overlap, so an exciting start in store!

    Below is a summary of what I believe is the state of the scheduling. Let me know asap if anything's wrong. Please note, there are several confirmations still pending: you may have made these via private PMs to each other, but please also confirm publicly so we know all is OK.

    Note: I'll keep a running tally of when matches are scheduled and their Twitch/YouTube links and archived versions on the main Overview tab of the event spreadsheet here.


    In playing order...

    MATCH D ::  Jerm65 & KyRock75              vs         FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    is confirmed for Saturday 10/24, at 5:30pm UTC (10:30am WGT time) 
    [Jeremy's 11:30am | Rock's 1:30pm | Jorg & Mark's 7:30pm]


    MATCH B ::  ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs        duffputt & JoeMaverick 

    is confirmed for Sat 10/24 at 6pm UTC (11am WGT time)      STREAM
    [mm's 1pm; Russ' 2pm; Mikkel & Joe's 8pm]


    MATCH E ::  BigKnight & Young46             vs         Legaci & Corwyn

    is PROPOSED for Wednesday 10/28 at 5pm UTC (10am WGT time)   STREAM
    [awaiting Ian's confirmation]
    [BK, Jason, & Ian's 1pm; Corwyn's 10am (awaiting Ian's confirmation)]


    MATCH C ::  rfpoul & jaycen129                 vs         Daskino & Priestess

    is PROPOSED for Thursday 10/29 at 2pm UTC (7am WGT time)
    [awaiting confirmation from Jaycen & Tess]
    [Remi's 10am, Jaycen's 9am; Tess's 2pm; Lu's 3pm]


    MATCH F ::  JJ656 & frenchconnect &       vs         fmagnets & Wontonamo

    is confirmed for Thursday 10/29 at 11pm UTC (4pm WGT time)  STREAM
    [JJ's 6pm; Jon's 7pm; Mags' 9pm; Tom's 9:30am Friday 10/30]


    MATCH A ::  Wesdogg75 & fredsf              vs        KonradOse & Saurabh08

    is PROPOSED for Saturday 10/31 at 4:30pm UTC (9:30am WGT time)
    [awaiting confirmation from Saurabh, Wes & Fred]
    [Fred's 9:30am; Wes' 11:30am; Konrad's 5:30pm; Saurabh's 9:30pm]


    Here is the spreadsheet itself.


    Ryder Cup Chatzy Room: for matches that aren't being streamed, I've set up a Chatzy Room where players can, if they wish [and provided they won't get too distracted], provide running commentary about what's happening for the benefit of the rest of us!


    Chambers Bay :: 4-Player Alt Shot :: Ranked Mode :: Full 18 :: Uneven Lies :: 60 second timer :: all other conditions as set by the game lobby

    IMPORTANT NOTE: due to the challenges of getting through games without disconnects, we are recommending that players experiencing or expecting difficulties get through the front 9 of the 18 hole setup and then all agree to drop match. Take 5 mins max to all reboot/restart game client/take bathroom break, and then set up again with another 18 hole match, with Team ROW once again doing the inviting with the same player who started teeing off on #1 initiating the setup, and inviting players in the same order. You can then concede holes to reach the correct score after the 9th, with the correct players teeing off on the even-numbered 10th hole.

    And, the procedure for figuring out who tees off first within each team is explained in WGT's FAQ (copied below, with my emphasis):

    How are the teams made?

    The creator of the game invites 3 other people to play, then chooses a partner from one of those players to form Team Green. The remaining 2 players form Team Gold, and the representative for Team Gold gets to choose who will tee off first for their team. The creator of the game will always tee off first for Team Green.

    What are the rules for Alternate Shot?

    Whoever tees off first for the team will tee off on all of the odd numbered holes (1,3,5 etc.). Their partner will tee off on the even numbered holes (2,4,6 etc,). 

    Please note: Matches should end at the 18th, if they haven't ended earlier. You should not play Extra Holes. If match is tied after the 18th hole, then the result is A/S, and each team wins 1/2 pt.

    Just a reminder: The expectation is that all matches will be played: we don't award games based on disconnects.

    If you run into connection issues, please follow the guidelines posted here. Try and finish your match however possible. In this competition, we assume everyone's best intentions and we ignore thrice-disconnects and timeouts. If needed (and possible in the format) concede holes to get back to the same hole and score as soon as you can.

    If there are no-shows, the guidelines tell you what to do. 

    Alternates: please note the match start times listed above, and if you can be around and green at scheduled start time, you may be called upon.

    I'm hoping Captains can be around and available for consultation if needed. Ryder Cup Chatzy Room can be used for consulting captains and other players in emergency, and of course, for providing running commentary if your game isn't being streamed!

    Team ROW are leading after the week 1 series, and thus keep the honor for this second series, the Foursomes (AltShot) matches.

    Please designate one player per match (per team as backup) to capture and share scorecard screenshots in the forum thread. Note that there can be an A/S result, which will mean 1/2 point to each team.

    And, please remember to share both 9 scorecards and an exciting match report afterwards!

    Any questions, please ask here!

    Good luck to all!!!





  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Sat, Oct 24 2015 9:46 AM



    MATCH A ::  Wesdogg75 & fredsf              vs        KonradOse & Saurabh08

    is PROPOSED for Saturday 10/31 at 4:30pm UTC (9:30am WGT time)
    [awaiting confirmation from Saurabh, Wes & Fred]
    [Fred's 9:30am; Wes' 11:30am; Konrad's 5:30pm; Saurabh's 9:30pm]

    1st, the time mentioned above will work for me.

    Then, Congrats to team Row for getting ahead after the the Fourballs. But I'd like to congratulate my team mates in Team USA as well for the hard time we gave to this awesome crew. A way better start than in the last edition. Even the lost matches could turn out in our favor so close they were.

    Considering what we've accomplished last spring after the 1st session (if my memory is good, we were down by 5 after 1st week and then managed to keep it close in week 2 and 3), we definitely can hope to bring back the cup home.

    Good luck to everybody in both teams for the foursomes, but definitely... GO GET THEM US Team!!!!



  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Sat, Oct 24 2015 10:58 AM




    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH B ::  ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs        duffputt & JoeMaverick

    B :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is also weekends, and with mm's schedule it can only be Saturday. Thus, please try for this Saturday 10/24 between 3-9pm UTC (8am-2pm WGT time).

    Note: that because match has to happen Saturday, I have not yet amended Mikkel and Joe's Time Zone, which will change for end of Daylight Savings in early AM of 10/25.

    Following is the revised proposal as Oct.23:

    Russ (ColumbusStorm): Saturday, 10/24, your 2pm local time. Confirmed

    mmyers0: Saturday, 10/24, your 1pm local time.

    Mikkel (duffputt): Saturday, 10/24, your 8pm local time. Confirmed

    Joe (JoeMaverick): Saturday, 10/24, your 8pm local time. Confirmed


    Start now here

  • johehejo
    282 Posts
    Sat, Oct 24 2015 12:07 PM

    Thx for the match gents - only 2 DCs - Jerm and Ky come back - all good.

    4up ROW - 1 point. Hope for some words from Jeremy or Mike.
