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US Open Prizes for Qualifying

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Wed, Jan 9 2013 8:27 AM (11 replies)
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  • paulmcm
    449 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 3:18 AM

    I'm posting here in hope of getting an official response - i emailed WGT Member Services a few weeks back saying i hadn't received an email regarding the US Open membership package prize for qualifying - i had the following response:

    Only the first 156 places were awarded with the prize and unfortunately your place in the tournament was between 157 and 200, in which you didn't qualify. I apologize for the inconvenience caused and have credited your account with some Legend Callaway golf balls and bid you good luck in future tournaments.


    WGT Member Services

    So i emailed back pointing out i did qualify, and finished tied 94th after a 68 and 60  - leaderboard

    This was over 2 weeks ago now and still haven't had a response after 3 subsequent emails.





  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 6:09 AM

    Only the first 156 places were awarded with the prize and unfortunately your place in the tournament was between 157 and 200, in which you didn't qualify. I apologize for the inconvenience caused and have credited your account with some Legend Callaway golf balls and bid you good luck in future tournaments.

    They are acknowledging you did qualify, however they only awarded 156 prizes.  You finished outside the prize distribution number.

    Qualifying Leaderboard

    As you can see your name does not have the $15.00 prize value beside it, and as such not eligible for the prize.



  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 8:10 AM

    Yes BB is right, there is several players who scored 57, but the highest place players with 57 did sneak into the 156 but the rest havn't.  Probably worked out by the tie break scoring system.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 8:45 AM

    Something's not right and that  isn't what WGT laid out. From the tournament site.........

    I qualified for the Oakmont Open somewhere around 200 and got everything.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 9:38 AM


    i wanted to clarify a few things

    1. $15 is the value of membership

    2. the reason only 100 or so show is because we don't have  away to automatically show ties, so it stopped at 156 players not 156 places and ties.

    3. you should still have gotten the email with survey + fill out info for usga, I think it was sent out 2-4 weeks ago?


    i'll try to find the link and will contact you privately.


  • paulmcm
    449 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 9:46 AM

    thanks Icon

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 10:31 AM

    3. you should still have gotten the email with survey + fill out info for usga, I think it was sent out 2-4 weeks ago?

    I did get and respond to an email from "monkey-something-or another"..but no survey...

  • Win1Soon
    385 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 12:02 PM

    Did we have to complete the survey at the end in order for the info to go through? I didn't mess with that part, just wanted to make sure tho.

  • paulmcm
    449 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 3:09 AM

    I still haven't received this prize after completing the questionnaire several months ago - i know other players in my CC from the UK have received there package 6 weeks ago.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 8:49 AM


    As far as I know, we have no control over this. The email you received came from USGA, with the link to fill out information, that they collected and then used to mail out prizes.

    I would try emailing them for the update.


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