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Quitter Re: percentages

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 20 2012 4:42 PM (28 replies)
  • Seve42
    33 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 5:23 PM

    So I'm sitting here, while playing Congressional front 9, and one guy quit on the first hole. So it takes me and the other player to the page to reconnect. We both reconnected and the guy had no intention of returning and me and the other player waited for 5 minutes or whatever for nothing. Then the other guy just quit and it took me to the reconnect page and started both of their 5 minute clocks over again. So now I'm waiting on both of them. I went to end the game and it asked me if I was sure I wanted to forfeit. NO, I don't want to forfeit. I wasn't the one who quit. Now I look like a quitter too and I had no intention of quitting. This is ridiculous. There should be about a 1 minute clock for the person to reconnect. Also I should not be the one made to look like I want to forfeit or that I am a quitter too. Is this the case if I forfeit the match?


  • Yasve
    14 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 5:33 PM

    Dear Seve,

    Unfortunately there's quite a bunch of quitters out there and when you're encountering one or even a few, it just drives you mad and leaves you with a lower motivation and a sad feeling. I wanted to react to your 'one minute rule' though since it has frequently happened to me that I encounter a bad connection and sometimes, it has taken me 3 to 4 minutes to reconnect, only to be happy that I was still in the game (with outing multiple apologies to my fellow players of course).

    Hope you will get MUCH better buddies to play with in your next matches, good luck!


  • shankerhook
    22 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:37 PM

    Sorry to use your message to reply to this newest installment by wgt Yasve, I don't pay much attention to the forums normally. I just enjoy playing golf, my parkinsons disease robbed me of the option of playing the real thing, wgt is my way of keeping my hand in it ( so to speak ) all I've really cared about is being able to play on courses that in real life the rangers would have me run off after two or three holes.

    I've played with people and had them leave and I've left games, I don't understand what the grief is all about. Why are people letting this get to them, life is way to short to whine about this to the point that wgt ( the people who are netting in the neighborhood of tens of millions off of us annually by the way ) has to stick some inane percentage restriction on your account.

    In the time that I've been here I've played golf with people who are truly nice and people who resemble the back end of a Missouri mule. You process and keep in touch with the good and reject the bad, and that should be it. If the fact that there are folks out there who will leave a game bothers you then play alone, the fact that this is in place won't make them go away they'll always be around.

    In fact I've left games, for a number of reasons not just because I was having a bad round. That isn't half as bad as some of the horses asses that have left nasty messages when they don't even know why I had to disconnect. I know that I'm in the minority over this, for the money that I've kicked into their billion dollar baby I'm of the opinion that they should've told you all to have a coke and a smile and shut the f.. up 

    I love this game and I don't intend to leave it anytime soon, I intend to meet and make new friends every day. That's something that has been a welcome extra on this site because there are in fact a lot of great people that play here. And unfortunately there are people who leave while we're in the middle of a round. Equally unfortunate is there are people who whine about this Minor inconveinence.

    People, there are a lot of bigger problems in this program as well as life in general. Try to put yourself in my your body a prison like mine. The more I type the more angry I get, so I conclude by saying try to have more patience with people, be more forgiving don't sweat the small stuff. And this is extremely minute as problems go.

  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 12:01 AM

    Looks like the quitters can pull their company down with them in many game types, AS for sure (impossible to continue if one player quits), strokeplay (error? bug?), Skins(?).

    The "safest" in that respect seems the single match: When the opponent quits, you sit and wait 5 mins and win, percentage saved.

  • Lexdyslic
    66 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 3:02 PM


    Looks like the quitters can pull their company down with them in many game types, AS for sure (impossible to continue if one player quits), strokeplay (error? bug?), Skins(?).

    The "safest" in that respect seems the single match: When the opponent quits, you sit and wait 5 mins and win, percentage saved.


    WGT is beta. They tried this % thing.. it failed and the members generally don't want it.

    Time the creators listened to the people. Get rid Of it!

  • MissouriDan
    312 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 4:53 PM

    and people who resemble the back end of a Missouri mule


    Now who might you be referring to there Shank??? Surely not me.........   LMAO.

    See you on the links buddy and stay dry tonight at the game.



  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 6:06 PM

    Here   here i agree  totally , i liked it the old way this   BS  . Like the other day playing a Master  looked at his stats , he only had 78  ranked rounds . we ALL  know this guy quit most of his games , and now this 5 min bull ,  come on wgt  we PAY  MONEY  to play here .  You guys screwed up a good thing


  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 7:51 PM

    This is a real  bad idea . Deep six it ,please !  I don't  like it when a player quits ,especially on their turn which freezes the game , but  now I have to wait around for 5 minutes wondering if they're coming back ? Stupid idea . 

  • twofallssteve
    762 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:17 PM

    I am a cc owner and try to play with everybody I can in the club. A legend that recently joined us quit on the first hole of Bethpage when he was at the fringe in 2 and I was a few feet from the cup. I don't see him staying around long. He didn't crash, he stayed busy for quite awhile.

    1 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:44 PM

    yep , WGT you gotta admit that this aint the way to rid us of quitters, I and many others pay to play, not wait around or ten mins and have to lose the game anyway. Get agrip guys and lets start playin again