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Time to revive the reputation filter in multi-play options!

Wed, Mar 25 2015 2:19 PM (34 replies)
  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 5:48 AM

    assign the % rank to it, so I can start filtering all these low %'s,
    instead of hitting join/cancel until I find a decent bunch of reliable players,
    I suggest these increments: "Any",  50%+, 75%+, 90%+, 100%


    PLAYER RANK        <<         MASTER+        >>
    REPUTATION          <<              75%+            >>
    SHOT TIMER           <<               Any             >>




  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:25 AM

    Although your Idea is a good suggestion ( better placed in Product Suggestion Thread).

    The problem with trying to base anything at this point is there is no way to determine a players true quit percentage due to the vast amount of Wgt disconnects. As it stands many players that never quit have a low percentage due to wgt screwing up and disconnecting.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:42 AM


    Although your Idea is a good suggestion ( better placed in Product Suggestion Thread).

    The problem with trying to base anything at this point is there is no way to determine a players true quit percentage due to the vast amount of Wgt disconnects. As it stands many players that never quit have a low percentage due to wgt screwing up and disconnecting.

    that's what the lobby's for, to resume the game

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 12:34 PM



    Although your Idea is a good suggestion ( better placed in Product Suggestion Thread).

    The problem with trying to base anything at this point is there is no way to determine a players true quit percentage due to the vast amount of Wgt disconnects. As it stands many players that never quit have a low percentage due to wgt screwing up and disconnecting.

    that's what the lobby's for, to resume the game

    hmmmm Guess you haven't been in the position to get kicked, either you or your partner, and one or the other not be able to make it back to the lobby due wgt glitches. Or have several games in a row do that. Happened to me and several other people yesterday and today. That dear sir as it stands today drops ones percentage at present in the same manner as those who legitimately quit.  How you going to tell given those  factors with the current basis for percent droppage who actually quit to be able to base your decision who to play with on, even given your suggested add? 

    The answer is you can't.

    My point was a lot of players at present are having their percentages drop appearing like they  quit often because of the amount of wgt glitch disconnects. So therefore any stats would be tainted as to who actually quits or not due to that fact. 


  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:27 PM

     Totally agree Oldbay, but doesn't really concern me that much. Almost all my rounds are with friends or the occasional new 1 invited into an alt shot. Even if my percentage went down, people that know me know I will finish, or try my best to get back in the game.

      I think this feature was put in because of the people that play with randoms and then whine about quitters. This feature if working or not will not impact whether I get a game or not.


  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:41 PM

    The % indicator although a good idea is not working as i should be, I dont quit games yet tonight in 2 seperate stroke play games thanx to the wgt gremlins players kept getting booted so back we went to the lobby were we all reconnected only for he game to load then immediately go back to the lobby again it done this on 3 occeasions in one game. until the other 3 players got so pissed off they quit. I then got the unexpected error message close the window and try again later only to find that on the next game my % is cut indicating  am a quitter. So come on wgt the indicator is a good idea but please get it right.

  • LooseGrips
    8 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:45 PM

    This feature is working, And i like it. But it's unfair for percentage when you get disconnected and drops your % down. i was 100% 2 days ago, And now at 87%, and i havent quit once. and yes, I too play mostly wih friends, and they all know t  never leave a round. Buyt it' still unfair to impliment a system without fully tweeking it to work.


  • MrWalls
    4 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:55 PM

    This is point my exactly! Why am i forced to wait on a guy who has clearly quit the game? Especially after waiting the five minutes, then another guy leaves during the reconnect, then I'm waiting five more minutes. If I leave I'm wearing their mask, as though I quit. How does this make sense? Why am i being penalized for this? Lets get this changed. It does not make good sense, or respect other players time. I do not agree with this at all. Some of these changes need to be better thought out. sometimes less is more. Just a thought...


  • ljbast
    943 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:03 PM

     If you are sitting over 80% after your first 30 rounds, that will be a good rate. 

     Unless you only play random pick up games, maybe credit games, I don't see why the percentage matters. Play with people you know, and will finish a game. I have gone to quite a few peoples profiles that complain about quitters, and see them having 4 friends.

      Build yourself a good friend list, and this percentage thing will not affect you, unless you just want to play with random people all the time

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 2:28 AM




    Although your Idea is a good suggestion ( better placed in Product Suggestion Thread).

    The problem with trying to base anything at this point is there is no way to determine a players true quit percentage due to the vast amount of Wgt disconnects. As it stands many players that never quit have a low percentage due to wgt screwing up and disconnecting.

    that's what the lobby's for, to resume the game

    hmmmm Guess you haven't been in the position to get kicked, either you or your partner, and one or the other not be able to make it back to the lobby due wgt glitches.

    "hmmm" yes, yes I have.  :-)

    got the gray continue button, and what have you,
    so what I did was single click the address bar of the client and hit ENTER,
    F5 might be fine too. worst case scenario, I'd clean all cache and cookies,
    shut down browser and re-log.

    and EVEN THEN! if you still can't get the game back,
    say due to maintenance or whatever,
    your lost % should correct soon enough if you complete all your rounds.

    I don't think that we need to worry about those who have less than
    a 100, 90 or even 80% of completion,
    IMO the players we need to watch out for are the ones in the 60's and below,
    and if your % is in the 60's or lower, you're just disconnecting too much,
    and there's no blaming WGT for that, cause it's on you.

    obviously this system is flawed and needs to grow,
    but it sure is a hell lot better than the way it was,
    quitters WILL hate this system, and for a good reason,
    so even if you get penalized for no fault of your own,
    by playing and completing rounds, this should not be an issue in the long run.