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What Web Browser Works Best For You?

Thu, Jun 30 2016 4:34 PM (49 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,772 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 4:45 AM

    I have been testing several different browers this weekend and have found another very good browser that is very smooth and fast. Slim browser from  Flashpeak it is based on I.E it appears but it works so much better. The link is below.

    I am sorry to say that although Slim browser is a great browser for playing WGT that it was full of tracking cookies and I uninstalled it. We have enough problems with security with out our browsers being full of malware.

  • Partsman41953
    341 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 3:37 AM

    Hi Jim, 

    I see that you are using Comodo Dragon as your browser. I tried downloading it this morning but have no clue how to set up WGT as the home page or anything else. I know my way around a keyboard but this is the first time using this browser and not real familiar with what you were referring to with the initial setup. 

    If you have time could you please let me know how to set this up as I am using Google Chrome now and the meter is starting to be a problem again. 





  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 4:52 AM

    Go to the Settings (click the CD logo) and under the "on startup" click "set pages." The second box below is what you'll see and that's where you enter the URL of the game. OK out and close the browser. Now, every time you open it you will go directly to the game without loading any of the other WGT pages.

    While you're in the Settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click  "show advanced settings." In the Privacy section, click "clear browsing data" and this box will show up. Make yours look like this.

    When you want to clear your browser cache, come back to this box and click the "clear..."  button.  :-)

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 12:34 PM

    For members who like Firefox, there is an alternative.  Try Palemoon browser. The 32 bit version  works with XP and there is also a true 64 bit version.  The current 64 bit version doesn't support XP 64 bit.   However,  15.2 does.   The browser has been optimized for speed with careful attention to security as well.  However, it does not have all the bells and whistles that firefox has.  Try it out, its not perfect, but I like it.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 12:49 PM

    For members who like Firefox,

    IceDragon is also geared towards FF users.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 1:38 PM

    I have come to the realization, that members get used to a certain browser and don't want to change the browser.  They have it set up the way like it.   I don't blame them, and in some respects I'm the same way.  

    I was using Firefox for the last 3 years and recently changed my browser to Palemoon.

    But, if one looks at it from this view, WGT claims their site will run on any browser!   That is a very bold and broad statement.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 1:54 PM

    I have come to the realization, that members get used to a certain browser and don't want to change the browser.  They have it set up the way like it.   I don't blame them, and in some respects I'm the same way.  

    Same here-been CD for a long time with no updates.  I got wind of Comodo Dragon's IceDragon in an AS game and went looking. CD has always been hooked up with Chrome so I was surprised to see the FF logo on the DL site. I tried it just to know and it was pretty fast on loading but the full screen isn't as full as CD and the graphics were not quite as sharp. I didn't try changing settings or anything but I did look at the Flash version that came with it - The same one I've been using all along. Interesting.  :-)

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 1:58 PM

    This is the flash version I use with Palemoon.  Version is 11.5.502.110

  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2012 8:41 PM

    I E windows 7.I clean once a month,98% trouble free

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Dec 5 2012 5:23 AM

    Jim What ever flash that you have on CD will be the same for Ice Dragon. I just tried it and it had the same 11.5.502.110 that i have on CD.

    Is that Flash version what you get when you let CD update? I get a reminder that one is available every time I open the browser even though all of the options for auto-update are disabled but since nothing's broken I just click no.