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Putter Scale

Thu, Jul 30 2015 8:51 AM (13 replies)
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  • coolpar
    152 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 5:59 AM

    Is it just me or has the scale shrunk by 1/4 of an inch? My homemade scale extends past the end of the meter as of this morning.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 9:07 AM


    Is it just me or has the scale shrunk by 1/4 of an inch? My homemade scale extends past the end of the meter as of this morning.


    nothing changed in our end. try zooming in or out via right click on the game window.


  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 11:36 AM

    I have found that, when using the WGT client full-screen button (the one in the lower right of the play window, next to sound control) both meter length and exact position varied a bit each time I booted up WGT. Note: the putter scale is always slightly shorter and shifted a bit right, compared to the meter scale for all other clubs!

    However, if you use you browser's full-screen control the length and position of both scales is rock solid. Depending on what browser you use the full screen control is found via a tool-bar button, or by clicking on the browser logo itself.

    Another advantage of using the browser's full-screen function is that game chat remains enabled. If you use WGT's full-screen button, game chat entry is not available, so to enter a chat comment you have to leave full-screen mode.

    Here's my home-made scale showing the offsets between putter scales and that for all other clubs (putter scale is the lower one, obviously):


  • coolpar
    152 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 7:08 PM

    Thanks Gr8. I like your putter scale........

  • rjs1969
    196 Posts
    Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:24 PM

    grtflbob...i noticed you are using a hand drawn putter scale. There is a WGT member named sgtbilko, who did in my opinion some terrific work on similar devices.  go to FORUM'S SEARCH and type in  SGTBILKO'S FREE PUTTER will find the NIKE putter scale there.

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 2:27 AM


    Is it just me or has the scale shrunk by 1/4 of an inch? My homemade scale extends past the end of the meter as of this morning.

    The resolution of your monitor could have changed, If that is the case then anything that is made to fit the old resolution would be off. 

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 7:36 AM

    Sgt Bilko's is a very good putter scale,,,The only draw back for me personally was it only went to the 50 scale and sometimes I find the 100 one to come in handy.

    You can hand make one such as shown or if you have Photoshop or Paintshop pro it is easy to make a printable one and a percentage scale that you can scale to fit  your swing meter. By measuring your the swing scale with a ruler on your computer then it is easy to make one to fit using a photo editing software.

    such as;

    This bottom scale I use with a program called Cthruview which allows itto be overlayed on the swing scale and reduce the transparency so the slider can be seen like putter pal. It is good for use with any club.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 8:30 AM


    This bottom scale I use with a program called Cthruview which allows itto be overlayed on the swing scale and reduce the transparency so the slider can be seen like putter pal. It is good for use with any club.

    I too use Cthruview and over time my overlay has evolved from a primitive version that looked something like OBR's to a dual scale version, (top one for the offset putting meter and a bottom one for woods and irons), I have 2.5% increments and I added black indicators at the more frequently used percentages.  I can be pretty precise.  Here's a screen shot where I have 95.4% dialed in on the lower scale for an iron shot.  Note how the transparency mentioned above by OBR allows the meter to be seen through the overlay.


  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 8:33 AM


    when i looked at this in photoshop i thought it looked a little wierd.

    the scales don't match, no matter how you try to stretch it.



  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Nov 6 2012 10:12 AM



    when i looked at this in photoshop i thought it looked a little wierd.

    the scales don't match, no matter how you try to stretch it.



    You can't just take my pic from here and  try to size it in photoshop, it wont work, size or overlay correctly. It is best to make one using a screen shot of the meter on your screen then create one from it in photoshop using either the inches ruler or pixel ruler to size it from a measurment of your swing meter in the game screen.

    That is way cool Andyson... I use the upper one taped to my monitor and it is sized perfectly to the swing meter for the browser I use.. By using full screen & having my task bar auto hide then it lines up right at the bottom of the meter.

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