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Chat with MisterWGT - Post Chat feedback

Thu, Nov 22 2012 7:39 PM (85 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 11:44 AM

    i was a bit taken aback that Chad seemed surprised at many of the stuff mentioned

    To be honest, I was also surprised when I saw the questions come in during the Q&A portion.

    Perhaps the goal of the Q&A session was not made clear enough, but it was NOT supposed to be a "pitch your random idea of a new feature you think WGT should have" session, it was supposed to be a session where players asked MisterWGT about current features, or any questions about the news delivered in the first portion of the chat.

    This should go without saying, but any "suggestions" should go to the forums, This has been the method for years now, so I'm not sure why people thought it would change during this chat. Chad simply does not have answers to "questions" like: "Can we have more Country club owner options?"

    Think about it. How do you answer questions like that, other than "Thanks for the suggestion, we may be able to do that sometime, please put it on the forums."

    In any case, the Q&A portion will most likely be removed, taking along with it any controversy surrounding it. Thanks for the feedback folks, see you next time :)


    Stay classy,


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 12:14 PM

    nah .. it was still a huge step in the right direction though .. i thoroughly enjoyed it ..

    i don't think it necessary to entirely remove the Q&A session, maybe just shorten it .. it's still worth bringing up ideas that might hit a sweet spot somewhere in the man's brain instead of filtering it through the forums first ..

    but yeah, possibly give more time to answering more questions/concerns/suggestions gathered from the pre-chat session thread ..

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 12:25 PM

    What a excellent format. The Q & A process after the news was very cool. I was surprised to get an answer to my question. My question was about getting new pin locations on the very popular 'Best of Famous' course, and 'The Best of Hardest' course. New pin locations on these courses is a feature that should be put at the top of the Road map list. New pin locations on "The Best of" courses would be like getting two new HD courses.

    Can't wait for the next MisterWGT live chat.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 12:39 PM

    I agree Richard, I too thoroughly enjoyed it. Perhaps I am being naive, but I felt Chad was open and honest when confronted with questions in Q & A.  It did seem messy with long silent periods  while he absorbed the questions, however if it was fully prepared it would turn into a long boring presentation, with no exciting interaction. 

    The news of Merion is good.

    I am definitely gonna participate in the live one next time round.

    Get 100+ like minded individuals to do the same and Chad will gift us all a brand new golf bag, I bet.

    What does a level 96 Legend do with free rentals is what I wanna know.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:15 PM


    Chad simply does not have answers to "questions" like: "Can we have more Country club owner options?"

    Think about it. How do you answer questions like that, other than "Thanks for the suggestion, we may be able to do that sometime, please put it on the forums."

    I would have expected something along the lines of:

    "We do have a whole list of new features for CCs that came from the forums thanks to our Community Management team.  The list includes Sharing Owner Controls, Adding Unique CC Banners, CC Tier Based Tournaments, Formatting Within the Club Message Box, and Sending Owner Messages to Multiple Members (not e-mails), to name a few.  Although I can't say specifically when we will implement any of these, I can say we have a group of CC features planned for the 1st half of next year."

    A response like that would have told us A) Community Management is doing a good job relaying member suggestions.  B) Chad was well prepared for the question.

    As far as limiting the thread on 'Questions for the Next Chat' to questions on current features.  That's nonsense.  It should be "what's on our minds?"  and that includes improvements to the game. 

    Chad should be reading the entire thread of 'Questions for the Next Chat' rather than being spoon fed with a few selected questions.  He would have been better prepared for the Q&A and not appeared surprised at some of the suggestions.

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:22 PM

    The key is either to take more questions in the initial part or to filter questions in the Q&A through Pizza or Icon.

    As you say there were too many questions being fired at him and he couldn't really give a proper answer to them.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:29 PM

    For our first time using this platform, I feel a ~2 minute technical difficulty, followed by a flawless presentation is more than acceptable. The majority of our community has spoken - we did a fantastic job. Thanks for the support, everyone, and we will be sure to improve the experience in the future, just like everything we do.

    You're dead right, the presentation and the technology was excellent.

    But the content is what we are critiquing.

    No need to improve on the presentation, thats GOOD ENOUGH.


    We answered four questions, taken from the thread I created to gather questions.

    Just 4? of the 30 or so that were suggested?

    We dont need the whole newsreel look about it, we need the questions/ suggestions addressed.

    You posted a generic question  about CC improvements on my behalf.
    answer: "we have new exciting tournaments in the wings for CC's"

    We dont need tournaments, we need owners options, Tier based tourney creation. etc Etc ETC

    THESE are the questions that have been pending FOREVER.

    This was an appropriate number,

    lets see 4 questions answered per chat, 1 chat per month, i guess these repetitive questions will begin to thin out in, say, 12 - 14 months.

    considering time constraints.

    There was ample time for the majority of questions to be posed, leaving us satisfied with the interaction/ feedback/ response.

    I would suggest you need to get out of your comfort zone and aim for at least 12 questions next time, RELEVANT to the COMMUNITIES NEEDS

    Yay new course, yay new irons, great, while we have these we still have all these unanswered issues.
    Keep the presentation succinct, we dont need to be told about a lamp or be shown an iron in shrink wrap and then be told there were time constraints.


    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:33 PM

    Chad should be reading the entire thread of 'Questions for the Next Chat' rather than being spoon fed with a few selected questions. 

    Exactly, it should be CHADS decision as to which questions he answers so he doesnt look so bewildered with these questions next time.


    I am sure there is a printer in the WGT office, somewhere next to the room full of sponsors equipment?

    Print off the Myriad of questions for him and his PRODUCT MANAGER to ponder BEFORE the next session.

    Pizza boy, dont ask us in another thread for questions for the next 'Chat with MrWGT' you STILL have 40 or so to continue with.

    He would have been better prepared for the Q&A and not appeared surprised at some of the suggestions.

    ... and embarrassed.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 2:40 PM

    What was interesting was the change of ball when you run out, in my opinion all that would have to happen is you ball inventory would pop up and you decide which ball to use.

    Exactly. and by the look on Chads face, he knows it.
    Its a revenue raiser to NOT have that option.

    Get 100+ like minded individuals to do the same and Chad will gift us all a brand new golf bag, I bet.

    Seriously? C'mon, we'll be lucky to get a free WGT-SD ball each.  :)


    from my transcript, when Chad was posed the idea of "Random Acts Of Kindness"

    His response was to give us a free rental weekend.
    In marketing this is known as a "Puppy Dog Sale".

    Give the customer a free trial of the product, giving it back, is like asking a little girl to give back a puppy dog they have been holding for 5 mins.
    It increases sales by worthy of "possession".

    Random act of marketing. How cool.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 3:27 PM

    We answered four questions, taken from the thread I created to gather questions. This was an appropriate number, considering time constraints

    And you really felt it was worth the waste of a question to deal with why a free ball replaces your game ball when you run out? After all the good questions in that thread? C'mon.