WGTpizza: For our first time using this platform, I feel a ~2 minute technical difficulty, followed by a flawless presentation
is more than acceptable. The majority of our community has spoken - we
did a fantastic job. Thanks for the support, everyone, and we will be
sure to improve the experience in the future, just like everything we
You're dead right, the presentation and the technology was excellent.
But the content is what we are critiquing.
No need to improve on the presentation, thats GOOD ENOUGH.
WGTpizza: We answered four questions, taken from the thread I created to gather questions.
Just 4? of the 30 or so that were suggested?
We dont need the whole newsreel look about it, we need the questions/ suggestions addressed.
You posted a generic question about CC improvements on my behalf.
answer: "we have new exciting tournaments in the wings for CC's"
We dont need tournaments, we need owners options, Tier based tourney creation. etc Etc ETC
THESE are the questions that have been pending FOREVER.
WGTpizza: This was an appropriate number,
lets see 4 questions answered per chat, 1 chat per month, i guess these repetitive questions will begin to thin out in, say, 12 - 14 months.
WGTpizza: considering time constraints.
There was ample time for the majority of questions to be posed, leaving us satisfied with the interaction/ feedback/ response.
I would suggest you need to get out of your comfort zone and aim for at least 12 questions next time, RELEVANT to the COMMUNITIES NEEDS
Yay new course, yay new irons, great, while we have these we still have all these unanswered issues.
Keep the presentation succinct, we dont need to be told about a lamp or be shown an iron in shrink wrap and then be told there were time constraints.