Have you ever wondered why is it that your shot can be dead on pin on one shot and other times completely
off? It's because the game is designed that way! Golfing on WGT is based upon
mathematical algorithms that create everything from the shot to the ball roll
out when it hits. Unlike real golf, mathematical algorithms have no variances.
To create these variances WGT has employed such things as VEM, precision and
forgiveness into the model to simulate or re-create those effects that every
real golfer knows all too well that affect their shots.
The two factors that will affect your shot
outcome the most are precision and forgiveness. Each and every club on WGT has a 5 dot rating
for each of these categories. Using the picture below let’s say that precision
is left and right of the pin location and forgiveness is long or short of the
pins location. While the exact distance that each dot represents is not known
for this example let’s say that a club with zero dots on forgiveness and
precision represents 20 feet for each circle.

During each and every shot these 2 circles overlap. Each shot has multiple outcomes 1. You could be dead on with distance, but up to 20 feet left or right of the hole. 2. You could be dead the hole but 20 feet long or short of the hole. 3. You could be up to20 feet long and left of the hole…..4, 5, 6, etc. I think you get the point!
Now, using the example below let’s say that each dot added to the club represents 2 feet. The more dots a club has the tighter the circle becomes. If each dot represents 2 feet we now have reduced our circles from 20 feet down to 10 feet in our example. I know there are some on here that believe that WGT or the game selectively goes after them individually, this is either pure arrogance or narcissistic at best.

As you can see, with precision and forgiveness coming in to play on each shot, it doesn't matter if we ding the shot or not these variables will always affect the shot. Like many of you I have on occasion missed the ding by a decent amount and still came up with a great shot as well as the complete opposite. I am sure if each of you think back you have had the same happen to you.