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Will it ever be fixed ? ... I hope so !

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Mon, Jan 14 2013 11:52 AM (8 replies)
  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 12:36 AM

    02-08-2011 10:58 AM 

    The meter performance is affected by a multitude of variables and affects every player differently due to their location, internet service provider, computer, what is installed on the computer and the settings on the computer/ browser. We are working on several solutions which will make the meter more consistent or perform smoother in more conditions but we do not have a simple or catchall solution that we can release. We do and will continue to seek solutions.

    But to be clear WGT does not have any control to vary the meters performance by time, type of game, round or stroke. We cannot target an individual nor a specific stroke.

    If the meter is performing better or worse at a particular moment it is probably due to congestion between the server and your machine or the current CPU and RAM utilization on your computer.  We have found that most of the issues have to do with the amount of RAM you have and the CPU performance of your system. Running streaming music/video, itunes, anti virus scans, etc...   will noticeably degrade the performance of the meter.

    This being said we are actively investigating ways to improve the meter.

    A whole year (from this WGT post) doing all kinds of things in the site, the pro shop, new course and all ... but the no 1 problem that makes us loose our hopes in a bunker, out of bounce or whater hazzard (that has nothing to do with our performance) keeps exaclty the same as it was since I started playing 1.6 years ago (and I bet even before that).  A good internet business should give a good and dependable "service" and not just create good wealth ;)

    I rarely complaint, specially over an issue so repeatedly posted, but WGT just lost my game for me and if it was a solo stroke or even a paid tourney I would take it like a man (as so many times it has happened) but when you are in an alt game and your partner is doing a good effort ... getting metered is very disappointing and the game loses its charm since it's no longer FAIR.

    Anyway, are you guys really working on this or simply hoping that some internet miracle happens by itself and blame anything other than your lack of solution-producing so severely denounced by lots of us ?

    I'm simply disappointed just today ... lol ... but still love the game tho ... simply hope it was fixed for good !

    When the meter works fine ... no problem, but when it fails, not only one can get completely metered (stuck in the middle of the power bar) but the inconsistent "motion" turns all your "technique and experience" into a "wheel of fortune lucky clicking game" ... skill is put aside and luck becomes more important ... that's away from fair in ANY GAME ... since I know this is just a game ...but we all like to play games FAIRLY ... don't we ?

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 1:24 AM

    This is how my current score history looks like.  I am not an exceptional player (for my tier, level and time playing I mean).  I've had some very nice runs.  My lowest ever 27 in 9 holes only once.  But my "realistic" average is in the surroundings of 62.  Sometimes, the meter works so divinely good and I just know that I'll get a great score, but sometimes I CAN TELL when my score is gonna be miserable ... ALL because of the meter inconsistency.

    I am very seriously coming to the point of FINALLY realizing that I will lose interest if WGT really CAN'T fix this, because I never fool myself or try to lie to myself and I know that this very issue is preventing my game from advancing while SOME guys must have found the Saint Grail Fix and that's why they can be consistent, because their reality is more consistently like those days when miraculously "my" meter is working perfectly and I can perform exactly as I truly learned to do things here ;)

    Anyway, I really hope WGT loves the game as much as I "still" do :/

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 3:43 AM

    Thank you for bringing this statement to our direct attention.

    IMHO WGTadmin is spot on there: The state-of-the-art meter is subject to influences between their server and our eyes/fingers, thus beyond their or our controls.

    Experiencing net and CPU loads as valid factors, I play important rounds in the morning and I look closely to a CPU meter (a Vista/win7 gimmick - ehm - app).

    Hoping for a change? Yes, hope's the last to die but this department apparently is behind Dante's Gates of Hell: "Lasciate ogni speranza..."

    In seriousness, I suppose it would require a total reprogramming of this central part of the game. Given the flaws of the recent unimportant amendments (e.g. the bags), would you be looking forward to such trouble?

    I'd only expect such tremendous work when they'd decide to change the basis, i.e. leave Flash for anything else.

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 7:36 AM

    I am very seriously coming to the point of FINALLY realizing that I will lose interest if WGT really CAN'T fix this, because I never fool myself or try to lie to myself and I know that this very issue is preventing my game from advancing while SOME guys must have found the Saint Grail Fix and that's why they can be consistent,


    The best Holy Grail fix (as I said many times before) is a PC running on W XP. If you're able to get an older one for a smaller amount of cash and use it just for this game, your life will change. I've tried playing on many different computers, but the only ones that had a perfect meter performance were the ones running on W XP (I always used IE browser). No maintenance of any kind was ever performed on these computers, no cookies or caches have ever been cleared (well, I think they automatically get cleared after a certain period of time). If you combine that with a mouse with a decent response time, you'll NEVER feel that pain again.

    P.S.: I guess you and others who have played with me know very well how my game looks if I'm playing during the afternoon (CET, before 1pm US EST) or if I play in the evenings (nights) from my laptop with W7. I have more trouble dinging G20s with slow meter Callies from this machine, then I have dinging R11s with Nikes on any machine with XP. That's why I basically never play ranked stroke or challenges after 1 pm US EST (only friendlies), it's way too frustrating.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 7:51 AM

    The best Holy Grail fix (as I said many times before) is a PC running on W XP

    Couldn't agree more. Both computers I play on run XP (one with only 1GB of ram) and I really never have meter issues unless I'm running other programs while playing. There's a lot that can affect your meter (Windows and anti-virus auto-updates and email programs checking for new mail among others) if they are running while playing. I read a post from bubbadork a while back that opened my eyes to where the problem lies... take your power bar to the top and hold it, while holding it, unplug your internet cable. Your meter will run through and allow you to click without any connection to the internet or WGT. But, without the connection, your shot will not register. Hence, the meter itself is running without any influence from your internet connection or WGT. Best advice I can give is to just make sure you don't have anything else running that will suddenly start using your computer's memory while you are in the middle of your swing. That's what worked for me anyway. I truly do no believe WGT is to blame for meter issues.

    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 8:09 AM

    Hence, the meter itself is running without any influence from your internet connection or WGT


    Of course, the actual internet connection has ZERO influence on the meter, it only affects the loading times and disconnets.

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 11:32 AM

    OK, I am BETA-TRYING this ... and it seems to give me not only a more consistent play but also I think I made a personal discovery that HELPS ME a lot now :

    I left the meter run several times without doing the second click (the one for "dinging") and I found out something very interesting :  The meter never runs exactly the same ... sometimes it stutters a lot and sometimes it simply runs like butter (randomly), so, I started focusing in those "chances" when it runs like butter and guess what ... great consistency ! ... but one has to "brush his teeth" every single time, and never fall into the temptation of clicking in the very first swing (like in real golf, the players swing a couple of times before hitting the ball).  Reflexes for reading "the right chance" still must be achieved ... but in my very first run trying this "patience-technique" and I scored 28 on Olympic ... check out my score history ... I am not bluffing ;) ... so, feel little better now ... still have to figure out why the game turns little tougher in RGT's tho ... :P

  • blindpugh
    433 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 11:52 AM

    just played a game on st andrews doing finethen i came to the same hole where the meter speeds up every time i play it how can it be a bug if my meter consistently speeds up on just 1 hole every time i play this course.


    02-08-2011 10:58 AM 

    The meter performance is affected by a multitude of variables and affects every player differently due to their location, internet service provider, computer, what is installed on the computer and the settings on the computer/ browser. We are working on several solutions which will make the meter more consistent or perform smoother in more conditions but we do not have a simple or catchall solution that we can release. We do and will continue to seek solutions.

    But to be clear WGT does not have any control to vary the meters performance by time, type of game, round or stroke. We cannot target an individual nor a specific stroke.

    If the meter is performing better or worse at a particular moment it is probably due to congestion between the server and your machine or the current CPU and RAM utilization on your computer.  We have found that most of the issues have to do with the amount of RAM you have and the CPU performance of your system. Running streaming music/video, itunes, anti virus scans, etc...   will noticeably degrade the performance of the meter.

    This being said we are actively investigating ways to improve the meter.

    A whole year (from this WGT post) doing all kinds of things in the site, the pro shop, new course and all ... but the no 1 problem that makes us loose our hopes in a bunker, out of bounce or whater hazzard (that has nothing to do with our performance) keeps exaclty the same as it was since I started playing 1.6 years ago (and I bet even before that).  A good internet business should give a good and dependable "service" and not just create good wealth ;)

    I rarely complaint, specially over an issue so repeatedly posted, but WGT just lost my game for me and if it was a solo stroke or even a paid tourney I would take it like a man (as so many times it has happened) but when you are in an alt game and your partner is doing a good effort ... getting metered is very disappointing and the game loses its charm since it's no longer FAIR.

    Anyway, are you guys really working on this or simply hoping that some internet miracle happens by itself and blame anything other than your lack of solution-producing so severely denounced by lots of us ?

    I'm simply disappointed just today ... lol ... but still love the game tho ... simply hope it was fixed for good !

    When the meter works fine ... no problem, but when it fails, not only one can get completely metered (stuck in the middle of the power bar) but the inconsistent "motion" turns all your "technique and experience" into a "wheel of fortune lucky clicking game" ... skill is put aside and luck becomes more important ... that's away from fair in ANY GAME ... since I know this is just a game ...but we all like to play games FAIRLY ... don't we ?

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Jan 14 2013 5:22 PM

    I do that also Mr Q. Works for me 98% of the time. Wish we didnt have to but hey whatever works for YOU right ? :)

    Happy Hackin