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Tiers VS Score Average

Tue, Jun 26 2018 5:29 PM (83 replies)
  • Uriahchase
    12 Posts
    Sun, Jan 20 2013 12:07 PM

    At what score average do you move up in tier? Is there a list? I looked at the FAQ page, but all it said was that you move up when you do better (paraphrase)... 

    I'd search the forums, but it looks like the search feature is still down?

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 1:57 AM

    Someone else work, I just copy/paste:

    • When your average score is equal or smaller than 100 you go from hack to amateur.
    • When it is equal or smaller than 80 you go from amateur to pro.
    • When it is equal or smaller than 72 you go from pro to tour pro
    • When it is equal or smaller than 67 you go from tour pro to Master
    • When it is equal or smaller than 63 you go from Master to Tour master
    • When it is equal or smaller than 61 you go from Tour master to legend
    • When it is equal or smaller than 60 you go from Legend to Tour Legend*


    • you need to play at least 5 ranked rounds as hack before reaching Amateur
    • you need to play at least 10 ranked rounds as amateur before reaching Pro
    • you need to play at least 20 ranked rounds as Pro before reaching Tour pro
    • you need to play at least 25 ranked rounds as Tour pro before reaching Master
    • you need to play at least 40 ranked rounds as Master before reaching Tour Master
    • you need to play at least 50 ranked rounds as Tour Master before reaching Legend
    • You need at least 100 ranked rounds as Legend before reaching Tour Legend

    Notice that those minimal number of ranked rounds are also the number of best rounds used to compute your average in that particular tier. So if you are Tour Master for example, your average is computed with your best 50 ranked round (that's why you need at least 50 rounds to move up).


  • Sevemonstruo
    125 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 12:27 PM

    In relation to this topic:

    I have noticed a change today in calculating the average. I am in Master tier.

    Yesterday I had an average of 70,18 based on my 40 best rounds. Today, when I have opened WGT I see an average of 68,43 which is the result of my 25 best rounds.

    Did anybody else notice this change?


  • Uriahchase
    12 Posts
    Mon, Jan 21 2013 12:28 PM


  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2013 4:51 AM

    It doesnt look right to me. I've seen a player with only 26 ranked rounds lvl 48 is tourmaster, i know the nick, but i also know i cant write it here!

    Suspecitious it looks to me, like he try to proove something doing it. He get troubles with that low lvl on the tip.


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2013 5:23 AM

    This system and guideline is not accurate if the person plays higher tiered players in ranked MP's bro.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2013 7:02 AM

    100 ranked rounds as L to get to TL .. is that right ? thought it was like 500

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2013 7:19 AM


    100 ranked rounds as L to get to TL .. is that right ? thought it was like 500

    It is 500.

  • deedles77
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2013 10:04 AM

    100 ranked rounds as L to get to TL .. is that right ? thought it was like 500

    the 500 ranked rounds is designed to keep your avg from going up even at over par scores for the purpose of keeping you interested in this game if you were to play all those rounds and your avg didn't move you wouldn't play, as for the 100 if your gd enough to have a low avg but not enough ranked rounds you wont move up a tier, hence challenging a higher tiered player in a match play game and winning your avg will lose strokes but if you don't have the required rounds you will still be on the same tier ,get your ranked rounds up then go for a match play with a higher tiered and see what happens mite have to play a few match's to get your avg down but you will move up a tier if you do this and win..after 500 ranked rounds only the best of the last ten rounds will be included in your avg the rest are thrown out i'm a master with a 64.9 avg and my avg goes down .01 for a +1 round and .1 for every stroke under par..because i have the required rounds won't be long before i'm a tour master

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Sat, Nov 9 2013 5:58 AM

    May I point to two mistakes in your post, D?

    "500 rounds" as a counting threshold is valid for Legends and Tour Legends, and in these tiers, match play results will no longer have any side effect to average etc.

    after 500 ranked rounds only the best of the last ten rounds will be included in your avg
    No: It's the best 500 scores which will be counting into the average.

    BTW: For you as a Master, the threshold is 40 ((minimum) number of scores), and you'll have to hit an average of 63, unless winning credits in tournaments.