This is my first ever attempt at putting on one of these types of tournaments where you try to get the community involved. This concept of using starter gear only in "The Tough- it-Out" tournament really got me more interested in the game and trying to learn it in a different way. And yes it can be very frustrating when you just know you hit the right shot and it comes up way short or way to long. But that is the nature of the game.
I had first thought about having just 9 hole rounds and the final being the only 18 hole round. The reason I thought this would work out a little better was for time it takes to play 18 and the scheduling of such matches. So I have come to realize that it might be better to have all rounds 18 holes due to the fact the final 9 holes are the ones that could determine the outcome of the match. If you think 9 hole matches are quicker to play and less time consuming in your life then we can make a change and go with my original idea. Any input about this is greatly appreciated.
This tourney will be a Single elimination 2 Player Best Ball 18-hole rounds at the two British Open courses, and at the US Open courses, with set conditions for each. The challenge we're making is to see what team can come out on top.
The tourney will be open to all tiers and levels. Everyone will be using the same clubs, balls, green speeds, and lies with a 90 second shot clock. This way we have fair course conditions for everyone. The only advantage that I can forsee is I am going to let you use your own putter. All rounds to be completed within the allotted time frame ( Sunday to Sunday ) thus giving maximum time for the rounds to be played. On the submission form there is a place to submit which is the best playing time for your particular team. The reasoning behind this I want to schedule the pairings as close as possible so one team doesn't have the advantage of practicing after seeing what the other team has posted.
What I would like to do is set it up like the Ryder Cup but in a different way. Kind of like all the Austrailian, African, American and other teams playing against each other. The reasoning behind this approach is to try and make the scheduling easier between the teams. With everyone being in close proximity time zone wise, hopefully everything should run smooth. Teams do not have to be from the same country but try to have a partner who you can schedule a time to play your round and play your round on time. If you are a European and want to have an Australian as your partner fine, just determine how you want to be classified.
Just in case you are not familar with the best ball format it goes something like this:
Each team has two two members. We'll call them Player A and Player B. On each hole, A and B play their own golf balls off the tee and into the hole. Then they compare scores. What was the lower of the two scores recorded by A and B? That's the team score. So if A got a 4 and B got a 6 on the first hole, then the team score on Hole 1 is 4. If A got a 5 and B got a 4 on the second hole, the team score is 4, and so on.
Example first round would look something like this except both scorecards showing the same holes. The scorecards are from the "Tough-it Out tournament: ( picture these two teams playing against each other but separately. ) Just for an example say team 1 is European ( please don't get upset with me Gary ) playing against Team 2 which is American and so on down the line until the first round is full. Each next round would be the same.
Woodoworkey 31
mnshiner 0 Team Score 31 ( This team wins match )
MIZZYMAN 10 Team Score 35
As alosso pointed out at the bottom of the page my way of calculating was way off so lets just look at one of the cards and go through it. We will use the second card for this example.
#10 There was a 6 & a 4 posted. 4 wins the hole
#11 There was a 4 & a 3 posted. 3 wins the hole
#12 There were two 4's posted. Even, but still counts as a 4 since there was no best ball
#13 There were two 5's posted. ( Bogey ) Even, but still counts as a 5 since there was no best ball
#14 There were two 5's posted. Even, but still counts as a 5
#15 There were two 4's posted. Even, but still counts as a 4
#16 There was a 2 & a 3 posted. 2 wins the hole
#17 There was a 4 & a 5 posted. 4 wins the hole
#18 There was a 4 & a 6 posted. 4 wins the hole
So you have 4+3+4+5+5+4+2+4+4=35
If someone else could explain this better feel free to do so since my writing skills are not that hot.
In the case of two teams tying I am going to need some help with that. So if someone has an idea about that please post it.
You will be able to play a random 3 before hand to get used to the conditions and the 90 second timer. ( I wish they had that timer in single play practice mode. ) All results will be posted using a bracket type form which I will post after the sing-ups are complete. All I ask is a screenshot of the scorecards ( Front & Back 9 only ) unless someone comes up with a way to award prizes. Also one photo on the fairway and one from the green. I will award each member of the winning team credits but at this time still trying to figure that part out.
So grab you a partner, think of a team name and come and join the fun. Please post here if you are interested or have any other ideas.
Sign-up for the Tournament will end February 28th,2013 and will start on March 3rd, 2013.
Sign-Ups are now closed!
The tournament bracket can be found Here
All prizes will be gifted by me and they are:
Winners Bracket
Both members of the winning team will receive 1500 credits towards anything in the Pro Shop
Both members of the losing team will receive 750 credits towards anything in the Pro Shop
Losers Bracket
Both members of the winning team will receive 500 credits towards anything in the Pro Shop
Both members of the losing team will receive 250 credits towards anything in the Pro Shop
Just added to the prize list is CerinoDevito offering an added incentive to the first round
*Sleeve of GB's to both members of any pair that can shoot -10 on CCC in their tourney round handed in.**
*** 1000 credits to any single player in a pair that can shoot -10 on their own ball***
Screenshots & Scorecards
Each Team must post a screenshot of the fairway & green showing Uneven Lies & the Green Speed. Now to really make things interesting and to put some suspense into this tournament, not forgetting the fun, I propose this:
After you have completed your round is that you post your screenshots and talk about how your round went but send the scorecards to me. I talked about suspense earlier, this is where the suspense kicks in.
Example: Team x posts their screenshots before team y and talks about how their round went without devulging their score. This tells team y that they have played their round but doesn't know what their score is. After all scorecards Front & Back 9 are sent to me I will post them Team vs. Team all in one reply so there is no searching from page to page to find them.