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Mon, Feb 27 2017 4:33 PM (2,573 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 12:59 PM

    If you can. Let's really get to know who we are dealing with. This is Renniw52, I will be 61 in June. Happily married for 42 years, 3 kids, 7 grand kids, known as OLD SCHOOL. I travel the Eastern US as a tech rep for Industrial, Automotive and Marine coatings. I love to cook, deep sea fishing, and golfing with what friends that still can. I smoke camels, and drink beer like it will be gone tomorrow. I don't make a lot of money, and don't plan on taking it with me, or leave it to the ones I taught to make their own. I enjoy this crazy game, and my friends I have met on here. I drive an Impala, my 15th one. My first was a 1963-409 SS I bought my Senior year of high school. It was 3 years old, and I thought I was the $hit. Any thing else is just what it is.


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 1:57 PM

    Hi ,, I am OPY  , Pushing 50 from the other side . I grew up on a small farm next to a fancy golf course . My dad would walk in the woods by hole #3 after dinner and find lost balls and resell them , I was just a little guy at the time and would go roll balls on the green ,

    One day the man who took the flags in every day talked to my dad then gave me a putter that had been cut down and regriped Then showed me how to use it ,  He called me OPY and his name was Mr Tincher . Almost every day Mr Tincher would show me how to putt and fix ball marks on the green , After some time he gave me a wedge  a 7 iron a 3iron and a drive that were all cut down and regriped , Mr Tincher showed me how to use them and would let me play # 3 over and over so long as none of the club members were on the course . He also showed me how a Golfer acts and cares for the course . I just thought Mr Tincher was just man who worked there But He was the Course Pro and GM .

    I did have a Wife and child but that was a long time ago and a nother story .

    First car was a rusted out Opel , the floor board was gone and I had the use a broom stick shoved under the front of the seat to keep it from falling through .


    PS  ,, have to run to the Beer store , So I will be back with enough for every one

    EDIT : Back from the store ,,  I smoke and drink beer (  have not had anything harder in over 30 years , ) and I smoke ,  I only drink at home or if a friend is driving clean .

    I Have a cat that showed up in my yard on a snowy night 5 years ago and we are now best friends .

    EDIT :   iaaRft



    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 3:52 PM

    For all who missed my intro 2 months ago in this post:

    let's just have a short recap with some additions. Still 37 and living with the furry creature from my pic, who I love like a son, at least I assume so, since I don't have kids. I've always considered myself to not have enough patience to have my own. But I have a wonderful 3 year old niece who's "in love" with me, probably cause I spin her around in the air every day like a carousel (going up to shoulder height, quite a workout). I smoke 1 pack (of 20) a day, but almost never drink, maybe cause I was watching a member of my close family being drunk for 15 years (she's been sober for over 10 years now) between my ages of 10 and 25. Kind of puts you off, or maybe I just hate not having control over myself. Don't get me wrong, I love the occasional beer, but I'm  always able to get my freak on without any added substances.

    I played a lot of sports in my life, mostly tennis, basketball, volleyball, skiing, etc. But unfortunately no real golf yet, since we only have about a dozen courses in our whole country and you're required to own a licence in order to play on all but 1. Hopefully I'll be able to try it soon, although I'm sure I'll suck at it. I can't imagine hitting anything double handed from my forehand side, maybe I should get lefty clubs.

    I've met a lot of wonderful people while playing this game, I consider some of them to be my true friends and I see them as my kid brothers when it comes to this game, and as my big brothers when it comes to life.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 4:09 PM

    Hi, I'm Phiber and I am a WGTaholic!  I will be 67 in June, married to the same best friend and wife for 45 years, 3 kids, 5 grandkids, (Hopefully they are done) and 2 great dogs.  I used to play a lot of golf until mother nature plagued me with a really bad shoulder.  I am retired and spend my time building bamboo fly rods, tying Trout flies, shooting large bore single shot rifles, and playing the game on WGT.  I am goal oriented and let nothing get in my way of making my goal as long as it is ethical and honest.

    Like most everyone I have my vices, but don't let them run my life.  I enjoy good tobacco (love a great cigar) and clear whiskey out of a mason jar (only in moderation, it's medicinal ;-) )  I am fortunate to have a lot of friends that share the same love of my hobbies.  Those I fish with and for whom I make fly rods all love the feel of good bamboo.  Those I drink with all love the taste of goooood mountain whiskey.  My WGT family is as much addicted to this crazy game as I am and I consider most all of them brothers.  My WGT friends, most of them anyway, are all veterans and are members of the United States Military Veterans CC.  A lot of them ate some of the same dirt I did in the 60's, I love them all!

    It's good to have a thread like this, thanks Ren for starting it!  Job well done there sir!!


  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 4:11 PM

    what  can i say .. i born with a GOLD SPOON  in my mouth ... im bitchin lazy dude ... love the money ...and cars .... o ya i have small cattle ranch    lmao litte ....  life sucks  but not for me

  • senec
    254 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 4:31 PM

    Hi,I'm Richard and I'm 64.Been in love with this game since the Palmer years.I used to play in the yard with three balls.One was Palmer,one was Nicklaus and the other was me.Spent hours playing with a ladies 7 iron.It had a white grip.I'll never forget.I became pretty good later on.


    In my teenage years my goal in life was to become a golf pro.I did'nt for all sorts of reasons.The 70's came around and I became a sort of hippy.Needless to say I did'nt play golf anymore during those years.Was more a midnight toker if you know what I mean.

    At twenty two,a girl I had just met got pregnant,so I married her.Became a restaurant server witch was my job for most of my life.Was a heavy drinker and a drug addict,but tried to stay a good person considering.Got divorced and lived with a few women after that.Managed to have another child witch you can see in the pic that was taken 20 years ago.

    Went to  rehab therapies three times,live alone now and i don't drink anymore.No drugs either.

    I'm at peace with myself .I try not to dwell on the past to much.I'm pretty healthy,no big problems.I play this game a lot by myself,for some reason I'm very reluctant to play with others but when I do,I enjoy it....

  • Kurtsbuford
    7,592 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 6:36 PM

    love the money ...and cars .... o ya i have small cattle ranch   

    And now you play wgt for 40 hours a week LOLOL

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 6:37 PM

    Great stuff guys, I'm also a veteran. Old Air Force Master Sergeant, spent 10 years as a Cryptographer. Love my animals also, have 2 Mainecoon cats(huge), 2 rabbits(lion heads) a 6 month old Chocolate Lab, and yes 2 real full grown squirrels in the house. I grew up fly fishing for trout in NW Pennsylvania, was a caddie from age 11 to 15, still play real golf, have used Cobras for years. My real driver is a ZL 9.0, average drive around 275. I can't come close to breaking par IRL. An 80-81 is a great round for me.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Tue, Feb 26 2013 7:16 PM

    Squirrel Nutz :)

    I'm 57,, 1-H when ''Nam" rolled around. Cared for two sets of parents, two of which died at home. Raised three boys with my wife of 35 years, have four grandkids. I'm self employed in manufacturing archery accessories which are used by hundreds of thousands of kids through the NASP pogram both in the states and abroad. This game is how I decompress, ain't nothin' like it, ain't nothin' likely to be. Friendships forged here I can see outlasting the game itself. Take care Squirrel Man.

    Doc :)