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How do you hit the ding consistently?

Wed, Feb 19 2020 1:05 PM (54 replies)
  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:10 PM

    Ok, I'm not great at this game but I'm not a newbie either.

    I've read some players saying they hit the ding 80%+ and tbh I'm dumbfounded. In an 18 hole round lets for ease of maths say 36 drives and approach shots, of those 36 on average I ding perhaps 4 or 5. How do you possibly ding 25+.

    My (obviously flawed) system is I stare at the meter until it gets to about half way then refocus on the ding line, and by the time my eyes have focussed it's press time and if I get that right I (sometimes) get the ding.

    Do you have a 'system', if so what is it? Any help would be most appreciated.

    P.S. This is in no way an accusation of any kind ref dinging, just an honest request to see if I can replicate some better methodology.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:33 PM

    LOL I am eagerly awaiting peoples methods here as I too have a pretty poor ding rate.

    What does help is having clubs that have an even swing meter speed. Also some find the slow meter balls are the answer, and I often use them BUT I often click way to early. A good way to simulate a slow meter ball is practice with the starters, then revert to your normal ball - usually works forme.

    But my method is changing depending on my sucess rate, usually pull make the power to the desired level, hold for a secong or two, then race my mouse back to the ding line. If I am clicking early or late I actually adjust my chair a little left or right so instrad of my eye being in line, is a little left or right.Some days I just cant get within a mile of the ding - those days nothing I do helps lol.

  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:44 PM

    Slow swing timer with slow balls helps a ton, personally I find also having very similar swing speeds between clubs also important.  from a game perspective doing everything you can for a smooth meter helps a ton as well.

    outside of that I would highly recommend a good gaming mouse, as they tend to have better response times between click and when your PC registers it.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 8:54 PM

    I'm curious too. Was actually thinking of starting a thread like this earlier today.

    Im with you Jon on the numbers. I still manage to do well, but that ding line is a mystery to me. I have balls that slow meter, most of my clubs are pretty much the same speed, yet that silly little line seems to elude me on a regular basis.

    I have most of the other stuff figured out, aside from the patented randomness.. If I could hit the ding I could be really dangerous, but some days if i hit it a few times that would be a high estimate.

    Its like the signals from my brain to my finger just aren't quite right, and no this is mid day before any alcohol

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 9:04 PM

    Okay gents lol, maybe i can help. Firstly i do NOT hit the ding on any shot. I come to this conclusion about 6 months ago. I use to try and ding all shots, but i found a lot of shots when i needed it the most would not act as should when i hit the ding.

    So i decided to try another method, i still aim shot but i miss ding on purpose on opposite of the wind. Now on putts i never hit the ding unless putt is dead straight, i tried to copy Priestess method. And i can say without a doubt my game is a lot better, i have way more control of my shots. I actually know were the ball is going now, lol, if that makes any sense. Takes a lil time to get it down, but my game has improved a lot. I say what ding?? hehehe.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 9:36 PM


    Ok, I'm not great at this game but I'm not a newbie either.

    I've read some players saying they hit the ding 80%+ and tbh I'm dumbfounded. In an 18 hole round lets for ease of maths say 36 drives and approach shots, of those 36 on average I ding perhaps 4 or 5. How do you possibly ding 25+.

    My (obviously flawed) system is I stare at the meter until it gets to about half way then refocus on the ding line, and by the time my eyes have focussed it's press time and if I get that right I (sometimes) get the ding.

    Do you have a 'system', if so what is it? Any help would be most appreciated.

    P.S. This is in no way an accusation of any kind ref dinging, just an honest request to see if I can replicate some better methodology.

    I think it all depends on the clubs . For example , I use the L81+ and 83+ G20s, with the L11+ Srixons. I dont have to hit the ding in order to be accurate , due to precision , and forgiveness . Also , you have to take into consideration the o/p style of play. Do they move the distance marker, or leave it at default , when adjusting for windage . Then the most important factor , how is the vem / deviation affecting them , while playing , and other game issues . Do they have problems with the meter spikes , skips , and freezes ? So in all fairness, I think the 80% + ding strike , is more fiction than fact . Just a part of golf stories in the game. Not truly saying that it cant be done, just find it hard to believe , with the game issues at hand.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       So in the end , you will have to find your own way, this just like putting. What works for one, may not work for every one . You just have to develop your own technique ,and kick butt from there. Hope I didnt rain on your parade , by adding my 2 cents . I was just looking at the factors in the game . Happy Swinging


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 9:54 PM

    Do you have a 'system',

    Not really, but maybe so ?

    I think of it as a fruit machine in a pub..not aiming to click on ding line but visualize a point maybe 4mm before it because by the time the info has traveled from the brain to my extremities it's about right but really that is still aiming to click at a certain point so no help there.... That is analysing what you do, not what you do..(bare with me ) :-)

    What I do when dinging constantly is NOT think , just feel..all about rhythm imo

    EG: just played UL with starter balls and 1st 8 or 9 shots I thought "Christ the speed of this meter, got no chance of playing under these conditions " however as soon as my brain switched to sort out what shot I was going to play and how to make that happen all meter thoughts went out of my mind and...ding ding...

    We can ding any ball / club combo on our day it is just the consistency I / we / most lack and to answer your question when that ding time does happens I have meter in peripheral left eye vision whilst looking mid screen


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 10:16 PM

    Be interesting if any drummers report in.  They have great beat and I wonder if their success rate is higher.

    For me all I can say is that I try not to worry too much.  Basically if I miss I miss and if I hit, and that way I am not usually far away at least. But some days are better than others, just like real golf to that extent.  The level 81  slow Meter Nikes I think help me, but they are pricey.  I saw some one posting that they think they have now increased in speed back to the normal version, but I have not tried the normal version for a while so could not comment farther on that.  I think in the end for me some days it works and some days may as well stay at home:) I agree with a post above it's really about experimentation and finding your own best way..............


    As Ben Crenshaw once said......."I'm about five inches from being an outstanding golfer.  That's the distance my left ear is from my right.

    And how good was he.......