Just noting this milestone as it is the first and might be the last time I do it. Wow that is a long trip to get to 500 points and I am afraid to figure out how many games I actually played as you only get points for the win. The sad thing is you get the diamond shield but no fanfare, no hooray, no big announcement on your screen when you win this achievement, kind of exhilaration and then someone lets just a squeak of air out of the balloon. LOL.
I will say I have encountered more people, made some good golf buddies, helped many people with their game, have some help me. Been to the pro shop too many times for clubs (new irons the old ones wore out) and balls- how many I don't even want to try and guess.
Made some good buds that I hope we can play in real life. Played against too many countries to count, won and played all tiers TP and up winning some and losing some and some people getting promoted by beating me.. I still completed in weekly and monthly tournaments, played A/S, skins, stroke, CTTH, blitz, friendly practice matches and in CC tournaments.
I now can do my laundry, clean my house, walk the dog - oh wait where is he?
I will see you on the course maybe even later tonight and be well my friends.