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Quickest way to level up..

Mon, Dec 20 2021 7:49 AM (22 replies)
  • Hammyton
    3 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 11:59 AM

    I just started playing yesterday. I was just curious if you guys had any tips on the best and or easiest ways to level up. Ive been playing closest to pin games to try to get the hang of the game and because the starting driver is WEAK... so any advice would be helpful lol.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 12:17 PM

    Make sure you play every day. You get 880 XP points per day after 5 days.

  • Hammyton
    3 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 1:31 PM

    880?! Wow. Thanks! Does it matter what kind of game you play or even if I just have time to play 3 holes or something it still registers??

    Also, what types of games give you the most XP? 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 9:51 PM

    Even if you just play one hole it still counts. You'll find the one hole option under the WGT Community tab where it says Courses. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 10:24 PM

    Hi and welxome to the game Hammyton. As Courteney says, play daily so you will get the CDB maximum after 5 days,

    As for what type of game, I find playing a 18 hole tourny round I can finish it pretty quickly and get 400 XP Points. A nine hole tourny round is 190XP. Enter the free weekly and monthly tournaments and providing it is not single play, play it to your hearts content.

    One thing - for the daily bonus, ensure you finish the round (eg if you play 3 holes of a nine hole round and leave) or it will not count. If you are short of time use the single hole option under WGT Community as Miss C said.

    Have fun - and a great start, A 40 F9 on BPG is not shabby at all

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 10:35 PM

    Depending on how easy you find the game / time you have / patience / credits burning a hole in your pocket you can buy your way up v easily when down the ladder in the game well as all the above................Remember we are talking leveling up here..tiers are skill based...The go to community to make sure you get the daily 880XP is well worth it though.........points quickly turn in to new levels early on!

  • Hammyton
    3 Posts
    Tue, Apr 30 2013 10:36 PM

    Thank you guys for the advice! However I dont even know what you mean by a 40 F9 on BPG ... lol. I have however played a couple 18 hole rounds and noticed it helped out quite a bit more. I just cannot get the hang of some things and its driving me crazy!!!! I dont know I guess it'll just take me a while. Putting is killing me, along with the fact that I dont know why sometimes on a tee shot I drive the ball and it goes way right or left from where I have it aimed when I hit it perfect on the meter.... AHH

  • CapHandy36
    18 Posts
    Thu, May 2 2013 11:20 AM

    40 F9 BPG  is patting you on the back for shooting a 40 on the front 9 at Bethpage Black . There is tons of great advice in these forums for you to read. Some great players have been kind enough to share some of their tips on every aspect of the game . You will find it very helpful , I know I have.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Thu, May 2 2013 2:38 PM

    First, WELCOME - there are a bunch of friendly and helpful people here.

    1. Don't be in a BIG rush to 'Tier Up" - "level up" let's you get better gear - 'tier(ing) up' means you compete against better players for prizes.

    2. Start watching videos, taking surveys and looking at other offers to gain "Credits" - (you use them to buy better equipment  and "Free" is always better)

    3. Read this forum, there are TONs of useful information and tips here  (interspersed with bi**hing about how the base program is designed to screw you (NOT))

    4. It's a game - smile, relax and enjoy it. It'll give you great "highs" and occasional "I don't believe that just happened" moments.

    5. The only people making money here are attached (employed by) WGT so don't treat it like a job.

    6. Last - as first  - WELCOME!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, May 2 2013 10:10 PM

    There are some light lessons to learn.

    One is about putting, keeping the different green speeds in mind. You might want to get the distances right first and then work on the slopes. This part of the game is mostly about practice, not equipment.

    Next one is about the caddy. He will frequently propose you the wrong club or shot, mainly in short game. As a major hint, use the chip only when it will land on the green.

    Shot deviations may come from the wind, combined with missing the meter ding.

    The Starter equipment and balls are quite imprecise. Use them nevertheless unless you have plenty of credits to spend.

    My general advice is

    - do not start to buy wedges before level 18,

    - do not start to buy a putter before level 30,

    - do not start to buy woods and irons before level 47/48,

    - start buying balls as a Tour Pro, work your way through the list from cheap to expensive. Try to avoid using a ball with higher level than your main clubs.