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Wedge Tips

Fri, Jun 7 2013 3:26 PM (20 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 1:54 PM

    There are a couple really good threads going about putting so I thought it would be a good idea to get one going about wedges.  In real life I am a fantastic wedge player, on here not so much.  So I will refrain on giving any tips that may end up hurting a players score.  But I hope players will take this opportunity to give any tips or suggestion on how to play the wedges successfully on here.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • Therockdoctor
    232 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:16 PM

    Most important is getting a good balance with the gap between your pitching wedge and your first optional wedge ... imo not point having a 115 wedge if you have r11 irons

    Then you got too learn each wedge  all thru the different shot types find out how far you got with full top or how quick it will pull up with full back spin. i play with feel but i know in my head how far for each club within a yard on a flat green . once you get this far it gets a bit hole dependent and where your experience comes in i play with feel and memory but some have notes to refer back to each to there own.


    If you have not already learn the punch with your wedges its a great tool i use a awful lot !!!

    hope this helps i am sure others will add to this too ;)


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 3:25 PM

    if you carry a hybrid - consider 3 wedges. with the punch as mentioned above it's like 3 more clubs !! practice practice practice !! good balls will also improve your game !!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 4:33 PM

    Great advice from the rockdoctor and bypass. Three wedges really are required to allow that evenly spaced distances starting from your PW.

    Your short game is where you will make a good score so is imperative this part of your game is mastered.

    As the rockdoctor said, punching a wedge adds several clubs to your bag - more often than not it will allow a full swing (or close) rather than drastically reducing the meter swing resulting in more consistent shots. Another point with the punched wedge, the wind effect is reduced significantly.

    It is hard to give specifics on spin as all clubs/balls have varying affects on the result, as will gradients. However usually for a uphill approach I use backspin to help check the forward momentum but on downhill shots I usually place no spin or topspin on the ball. Again it also very much relates to the landing slope on the green - which you can view by using chip/pitch and running your curser over the green (red/blue).

    Most importantly learn the distances of all your wedges using all spin (and the zero wind in some of the tournaments are a perfect place to practice). Know the full landing distance then note the slope you hit too and its reactions. Sadly there is no real fast fix but practice and experience.

    Once you can consistently get close with your wedges, your score will improve rapidly. For this reason, as a starting point on club upgrades, I would recommend at least 2 wedges to start - and buy the best you can afford but not before level 30. However it does pay to think ahead, what wedges will fit in with your ideal iron set that will take you to at least Master Tier, possibly beyond.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:19 PM

    In real life I am a fantastic wedge player, on here not so much.  So I will refrain on giving any tips that may end up hurting a players score. 

    Works both ways. Letting others know what doesn't work is  as helpful as showing what does.  :-)

  • MBaggese
    15,368 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 5:46 PM

     But I hope players will take this opportunity to give any tips or suggestion on how to play the wedges successfully on here.


      I would, if you tell Icon to take his finger off "my" button when I am having a good round;)


    ONly issue I see here, is I can't give advice on a level 25 Wedge...and most (I think) that have level 80+ wedges, know how to use them......but...advice I can give...:

    Learn all your shots available...full, punch, flop, pitch and chip...practice with your wedges will tell you if you can chip from 40/50 rough, or do you need to pitch?...etc.


    Know that it's best on lower level wedge to try to take a full a shot as possible...I'e if you have a level 25 wedge...and it's chip is rated at 10 yards...don't try to hit at 1/2 power...better to chip with your 12 yarder at 80% power...and go from there.


    I mentioned learning all the shots...learn the (all 5) with full up and full bottom spin and neutral spin...adjust accordingly.


    Redial them in when trying new/better/different balls...don't think since you've been playing Tour SD's and now got Callaways, it's time to enter that RG;)




    WGT has a great "Wedge Practice Facility"...use the par 3 courses and purposely miss the green....try for the bunker, etc.

  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:45 PM

    Flop shots - hit the line left of the 'ding' line for a straight shot (remembering you will lose some distance)...or...aim 3 squares to the left (select chip, reverse view, move the aim arrow 3 squares right as its reversed), this way you lose little distance.

    Decide your preferred method then compensate for wind.

    Distance lost/roll will depend on spin induced.

  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 8:55 PM

    purposely miss the green

    so its on purpose is it? ;-)

  • MBaggese
    15,368 Posts
    Wed, Jun 5 2013 10:56 PM


    purposely miss the green

    so its on purpose is it? ;-)


  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2013 9:03 AM


    purposely miss the green

    so its on purpose is it? ;-)

    Thanks for the laugh!   lmao