Edit- i have added another "Day" and it will be taken by "WGT" and it'll be called a "Special Day". Thanks to WGT, in advance, for jumping on the bandwagon and joining us.
Hey everyone-
So, I'm putting together another "12 Days of Christmas" only this time it's called "Christmas in July" (why should we wait till December?). I'm looking for a few "Santas" to join me in what I hope will be another event that helps bring the community together.
This is how it works- Sign up for a particular day (say 7th day),
whatever the corresponding day is that's how many gifts you give away
(of the same item). Not all to the same player, but 7 different players
(the more the merrier)
Example- you pick 7th day-
On the 7th Day of Christmas (your name) gave to me: 7 sleeves of Nikes
Example- you pick the 3rd day-
On the 3rd day of Christmas (your name) gave to me: 3 Nike putters
I'm gonna take the 8th day, if you want to join in the fun then simply sign up below and tell me which day you want to take. Some of the days are already taken by people who participated last year. Do not post what you are planning to give away!
Just tell me which day you would like. I'll send you a friend invite
and after you accept you can tell me in a pm what you plan on giving
away. I'll fill in the Santas names as they come in.
I'll start a post in this section on the first day of the 12 days and
then each player responsible for the next day will create a new post in
the "And Everything Else" section titled "Christmas in July.....the ? Day"(fill in the day number you have chosen). You can then
gift away to whoever responds in the thread.
For anyone who doesn't know what the "12 Days" was, check out any of the following threads from last year-
This event will run from July 13th (the first Day of Christmas) to July 24th (the 12th Day), we will be giving away approximately 75-80 gifts to our fellow community members.
Hope you can join us.
There are 13 days in the giveaway and these are the guys playing Santa.
Special Day- WGT
12th Day- looselugnutz
11th Day- lonnieskinner
10th Day- alcaucin
9th Day- patriciawilliams
8th Day- lobsters lair country club
7th Day- Lobsterboy
6th Day- legendcrusher
5th Day- twominusone
4th Day- opyeuclid
3rd Day- Shrude
2nd Day- Renniw52
1st Day- pjctas0822
Thank you all in advance and let's have some fun!!!