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Tue, Mar 22 2016 3:43 PM (12 replies)
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  • ciderboys
    44 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 6:29 AM

    1. I have recently changed from PRO (stroke average 71.90) to TOURPRO (stroke average 76.00) why has my stroke average risen ?

    2. The stroke bar jump's so much in the afternoon's the game is almost un-playable.

    3. Why do WGT staff NEVER answer any queries

    4. Apart from above great game.

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:36 AM

    1. Your average resets every time you tier up.

    2. Sorry.

    3. They do, when they're posted in the correct forum.

    4. If that's all you have to complain about, good for you. Enjoy the game.

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:37 AM

    3. Why do WGT staff NEVER answer any queries

    2 million registered users. One and a half forum moderators. ( one splits  time with WGT baseball). So they are spread pretty thin. It was great game. Sad to see slow demise.

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:48 AM

    Congratulations on the promotion!

    As to the jumping meter, there have been many threads on this issue. They boil down to:
    1. Clear the cache for your browser
    2. Clear the Flash cache
    3. Hold your club (at the desired 'power position' for your shot) for 2-4 seconds before releasing it. or
    4. Take a 'practice shot' before you plan to hit the ball - i.e. pull your club (to where ever you please), release it but DO NOT CLICK for a shot

    I set my computer to clear the cache each time I close the browser and rarely have any problem that cannot be cured by steps 3 & 4 above.

    Good luck

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:08 AM


    1. I have recently changed from PRO (stroke average 71.90) to TOURPRO (stroke average 76.00) why has my stroke average risen ?

    2. The stroke bar jump's so much in the afternoon's the game is almost un-playable.

    3. Why do WGT staff NEVER answer any queries

    4. Apart from above great game.

    If you feel you need an answer quicker from any of the Mods, you can always post something on our wall or request a friendship and send a private message. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:20 AM


    If you feel you need an answer quicker from any of the Mods, you can always post something on our wall or request a friendship and send a private message.

    - WGTdbloshoe

    That then would be like having your own private forums surely?

    Is it not the forum moderators job to moderate the forums and answer any queries posted?

    Imagine how quick you's would get pished off answering the same questions and queries in your personal forums.

    The whole idea of a public forum is to allow members to interact with and ask questions to aid their time here, I understand the search feature isn't the best, but this as been explained to me by Icon.

    Somebody asks a question or makes a query, the moderator then answers or informs that person to the best of their ability or capability, the other members participating in the forum can then either be content with the answer or continue the discussion further.

    This is just not happening at the moment. This is what is causing discontent amongst the members here I'm afraid.

    We are treat like mushrooms .....just fed $hit and kept in the dark.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:40 AM


    no it's not our job to answer every query because then we wouldn't be moderators but a help desk.

    you are right, this is a public forum and it works best when members help each other. our job is to over see, help where needed, settle arguments/disputes and so many other things that are not seen:)

    if I see a forum member who already got an answer from another member, then I smile because that's the goal of the forum, but there is no need for me to provide a same answer:)


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 11:52 AM



    If you feel you need an answer quicker from any of the Mods, you can always post something on our wall or request a friendship and send a private message.

    - WGTdbloshoe

    That then would be like having your own private forums surely?

    Is it not the forum moderators job to moderate the forums and answer any queries posted?

    Imagine how quick you's would get pished off answering the same questions and queries in your personal forums.

    The whole idea of a public forum is to allow members to interact with and ask questions to aid their time here, I understand the search feature isn't the best, but this as been explained to me by Icon.

    Somebody asks a question or makes a query, the moderator then answers or informs that person to the best of their ability or capability, the other members participating in the forum can then either be content with the answer or continue the discussion further.

    This is just not happening at the moment. This is what is causing discontent amongst the members here I'm afraid.

    We are treat like mushrooms .....just fed $hit and kept in the dark.


    I think you are missing the point of my post, the player was wondering why WGT never answers.  I merely pointed out if he was unhappy with the response time of 5 hours, he could send a private message to see if he can get an answer quicker.  As Icon pointed out we are here to moderate and help with questions where we can. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 1:26 PM

    Now this is interesting:

    The employee who gives most of WGT's answers in the forum states,

    no it's not our job to answer every query  [...]

    and is contradicted within minutes by his collegue,

    I merely pointed out if he was unhappy with the response time of 5 hours, [...]
    who also freshly introduces a certain respond time of which nobody has ever heard.

    Unfortunately the positive second answer is depreciated by the well-known fact that many questions are not being answered in reasonable time, certainly not by WGT.

    Let me calculate how many times 5 hours have passed since 18 Apr 2013, 11:24:56 am PT (-7), which is the date of the unfulfilled promise

    I will make sure it gets out today.

    *going to numbercrunching in the basement, chuckling*

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 2:25 PM

    I'm really sorry then guys, for misunderstanding the role of Moderators, I was always led to believe that they were the members go between to the hierachy that be, answering queries and such.

    I didn't realise the answering was actually done off your own back, and not part of the job description.

    So general game queries members may have are directed to whom and where please? Bearing in mind, when members have these queries, forgetting geographical time differences and such, they expect answers pretty quickly a lot of the time.

    This may end a lot of confusion and animosity thrown at your good selves. See if these things were sorted from the beginning you wouldn't get half the grief you's are at the moment.

    Anyway enough from me, I'm just a naturally inquisitive person, and the answers are hopefully helping others :-)

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