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WGT, You've become a proper golf simulator

Sat, Nov 9 2013 1:26 PM (14 replies)
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  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 1:05 PM

    Yes, i used to get wtf shots in ready go's but I've just played the $5 Whistler ready go where nearly EVERY shot just went on Its own accord any where WGT decided to place my ball.  Forget about the 150 iron full power full spin landing on 126 yards in 19 mph 11 o'clock wind, or the 15 mph right to left wind on 10 and i exaggerated my aim to nearly right edge of green only for shot to start off from pin, but also land on 140 yards off the green left!! WITH A PW.  What about the 2 foot putts  which would start off wide of hole not aim for hole and miss, yet the 20 foot putt which i missed the ding by  loads ON BREAK SIDE, ignoring the line i aimed and took its own opposite line straight for hole (no where near where i aimed).  Shall i mention the 50 yard punch shot with slight top spin which landed on 52 yards and spun back 10 yards as if it was a 60 wedge with full spin??  I wont bore you with the par 5's where i had side wind and aim left for wind and the wind had no effect or the par 3 where my 205 iron went 215 yards in 19 mph HEADWIND!.  Why not mention the missed ding by a fraction to compensate 18 mph left to right wind on one par 4 and shot starts off 10 yards left and lands where i aimed yet same kind of shot on different par 4 lands perfectly and i get what i aimed for??  I've noticed with the ready go's I've been playing lately that wgt IS A GOLF SIMULATOR, and the rounds I've been playing are clearly simulated and Its like I'm playing a round & score which has all ready been decided before i teed off.  There's a better golf game in GTAV, if you mess up you mess up, not the PC messing things up for you because the 10% of winners have been decided all ready and you're just filling in the spaces to fund the other winners.  This is the funny bit, i know next time i play the tournament the game will be FIXED for me to score well, i could be missing ding by loads yet still land within 1 or 2 yards.  This is what I'm getting at.  Every things pre -determined the tournaments are 50% skill and 50% what type of round wgt gives you, and there we have It, a GOLF SIMULATOR.

    And before the wise guy's but in with their usual comments, I couldn't care less.  After a break away the motivation is not there any more to play this game.  Its way past Its sell by date.  I've just wised up to the fact you can only play the same courses over and over so much until you are just BORED with the same old 5hit.  WGT can dictate my rounds all It likes, this ready go was the straw that broke the camels back.  And added to the fact WGT have made credits Useless so players haver nothing to aim for any way.  What is the point in winning the $5 ready go any way??  LOL  Just to have an extra $10+ added to the 6 figure sum that will never be spent any way.  FARCICAL.  If the funs gone, whats the point....I wish i was back as a hack and learning again.LOL Now that was FUN!

  • lluciano
    536 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 2:01 PM

    hmmm, must be that time of the month.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 3:21 PM

    Was that said in one breath or two?  :-D

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 4:06 PM

    I tried to read it, I really did, but there was just too much.   This is why I don't play RG's very much.  When I get those WTF shots, the only real credits on the line  are the ones used up with a hit on my golf ball.

    But, no wtf moment will ever take away the joy I get from WGT, between the laughs with some buds, or the golf fix that I get from Michigan weather not allowing me to play real golf or ...heck just an excuse to have a beer or 8 ;-)   


    It's just for fun... for me at least.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 4:10 PM

    Videos!  Lets see some videos now Chris!

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 6:22 PM


    I tried to read it, I really did, but there was just too much.   This is why I don't play RG's very much.  When I get those WTF shots, the only real credits on the line  are the ones used up with a hit on my golf ball.

    But, no wtf moment will ever take away the joy I get from WGT, between the laughs with some buds, or the golf fix that I get from Michigan weather not allowing me to play real golf or ...heck just an excuse to have a beer or 8 ;-)   


    It's just for fun... for me at least.

    New England weather here.....but for everything else, well said HP, I couldn't agree more.


  • shoeshinethis
    1,090 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 6:52 PM

    Playing ready goes is like entering the bizzaro world.  And I do agree with Chris..

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 7:01 PM


    Paying ready goes is like entering the bizzaro world.  And I do agree with Chris..


    Chris did you think it was going to be different??

    LOL,,, sorry mate if anything we have more manipulation of rounds.

    You know that. If going to play ready go must have the mind set of buying a lotto ticket.

    Might be your turn.... or not.



  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 7:42 PM

    And before the wise guy's but in with their usual comments, I couldn't care less.

    Really? You couldn't care less? Then why did you even spend the time to write this post?

    What is the point in winning the $5 ready go any way??  LOL  Just to have an extra $10+ added to the 6 figure sum that will never be spent any way.

    Then why do you continue to play RG's?

    From what I've read from your posts you're a father (if I remember correctly), a grown I have to ask, why would you continue to play for credits if they are worthless?

    I know you're a really great player and the "6 figure sum" you wrote about is probably what's in your bank, so if it's true that you couldn't care less and credits are worthless then why don't you step up to the plate and share those credits by helping out some new players to the game? The credits wouldn't be worthless to them.

    Do us all a favor.....stop playing and whining about the RG's and use all your credits to become WGT's #1 philanthropist.....and do it publicly. Something tells me this isn't in your blood....but I'll shout it from the rooftops if you prove me wrong.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,572 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 9:44 PM

    CIB would do well to help others, but I see no sign of it.

    If not giving credits away or equipment or balls, then at least offer advice to other struggling legends, that just might need a helping hand to reach the ultimate level.

    It would be one of the biggest and most popular threads ever started on WGT.

    A set of clubs or similar, to the most improved legend each month , after taking his advice would be a wonderful, much appreciated gesture.

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