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On the 1st 12th Day of Christmas

Mon, Feb 26 2018 6:45 AM (181 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 2:29 AM

    On the 1st 12th Day of Christmas The Gingerbread Men Country Club gave to me-

    12 TaylorMade Ghost Spider Putters (L35+)

    That's right folks, some very generous friends of mine have joined together to play Santa today and we'll be giving away 12 of these putters to 12 different players who would like get rid of that old Starter putter and see what it's like to use a real putter.

    How can you get one? That's easy, just simply post a note in this thread and ask for's that easy!

    Now, we know some of you are still being moderated in the forums and some of you might not see this until you get home from work tonight.....don't worry, me and the other Santas haven't even begun to wrap these gifts yet and that's going to take a really long time because we're not that good at it. So you have plenty of time.

    So, I'm gonna head back up to Santa's Workshop and help with the wrapping but I'll keep checking in throughout the day.

    To any of the lucky players that receive a gift today and would like to thank someone, these are the players that are playing Santa today-

    Opyeuclid, Toona, Drcliveoak, Frappefort, Tommyk1981, Gjmccannel, Kindle2010, Borntobesting, Gparoro, Johnabel1234, Teetimesmitty and Mrcaddie.

    Good luck and have fun today.

    Merry Christmas.

    The Gingerbread Men

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 2:43 AM

    Great gift idea!

    Well done Caddie!

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 3:28 AM

    Good morning Shrude! I woke up three hours earlier than normal just to get the ball rolling. It's gonna be a very long day. LOL!

    Thanks buddy!

  • borntobesting
    9,787 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 3:32 AM



  • ozysouthpaw
    3,084 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 3:51 AM

    12 TaylorMade Ghost Spider Putters (L35+)

    Great gift MrCaddie. This putter made a huge difference to my game when I got it back in the day and I'm sure it will do the same to the lucky recipients :-)

  • fravel
    1,716 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 4:16 AM


    Great gift idea!

    Well done Caddie!

    12 TaylorMade Ghost Spider Putters (L35+)

    Well done guys and have a great Christmas...........



  • samantha1970
    5 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 4:32 AM

    would love one of these just to get to the next level as i have plateaued a bit mant thanks for the gift!!!


  • jLux70
    4 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 4:50 AM

    beautiful gift idea.

    well done and bring beautiful gift this month

  • stormywind
    2,963 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 5:14 AM

  • gillTone
    4 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2013 5:26 AM

    Great gifting idea. Have a wonderful holiday all!