The Time Zones Golf Club League
This is a 7 round competition, clubs play each other once with 12 matches each round and choosing their 12 player team from a panel of up to 20, Pro -Tour Legend tiers.
In the interests of better craic and fair competition, team selectors should match opponents in same tier (and levels) or close to same where possible. Handicaps (below) allowed for pairings of different tiers. Club team pairings posted below.
See world time zone difference calculator and world clock below.
Matches are stroke play over 18 holes and clubs will forfeit matches not played unless notification is given for re-arrangement. The time for completing matches is no later than closing dates specified, latest date for playing re-arranged matches is midnight USA PST, the Sunday after closing date (Friday).
2 points for win, 1 for draw/tie. No game/no fault matches are void.
The league will run smoother if we can complete the games within the dates specified if possible. With a large panel, it should be possible to play all matches.
Players can post results in 'reply' below and include brief match comments if you want to. Results should be nett of handicaps. Check that your figures are correct before posting. Mention the clubs when posting results, saves me searching time. Results in fixtures lists are updated asap.
Contact your club captain for any team related questions. Questions about the league to 'reply' below.
Shot of the Round, sleeves of balls to round winners. Players should send entries to club captains. The captains will vote to decide round winners. One entry per club to here>> 224495.aspx Stu of the English Lakes club has generously put up 500 equipment credits for the best of Shot of the Round winners.
Shots must be saved before the game window changes for the next shot, and it will save with just the game window open. You're allowed ten on your profile, if you've used up your quota it won't save.

Table After Final Round 7
P W D L Pts Void
UK GOLFERS ELITE CC 72 54 3 13 111 2
ENGLISH LAKES CC 72 49 6 8 104 4
FAIR PLAY GOLF CLUB 72 27 4 30 58 11
UNITED FEDERATION VG 72 27 4 36 58 5
DERBYSHIRE REJECTS 72 24 6 37 54 5
FRIENDLY ACTIVE PC 72 19 9 42 47 2
DERBYSHIRE GOLF CC 72 15 8 42 38 7