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Sat, Mar 1 2014 7:42 PM (11 replies)
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  • BRosso1
    17 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 5:39 PM

    it would be nice if there was a way to fade or draw the ball...........

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Feb 26 2014 9:59 PM

    We're told it is planned to be brought in at some time in the future, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 12:54 AM

    It is possible to simulate a fade/draw but you risk a shank shot to get something like this.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:08 AM


    To achieve it, you have to "mishit" the club.

    Imagine the meter bar having intermittant crosslines. Name them A to F from the center (below the club) to the right. "D" is the ding line.

    For a draw, hit the mouse around the C line, best results right outside towards B. Make sure that you aim to the right of the intended target. Practice at CCC#3 (Legend tees).

    For a fade, use the E line in the same way. Aim left. Practice at OLY ##1 and 5.

    Good luck!

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:20 AM

    That isn't true fade and draw. Honest.

  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:50 AM

    I don't play in real life Courteney and I know you do so I accept your opinion, but on here, it's about as good as it gets.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Feb 27 2014 1:53 AM


    While  I accepted that Scott called it a simulation, it works fine for me. I have no issues with the trees at OLY #5 and CCC #3.

    And, isn't the whole game here a simulation? *grins*


    IRL, draws are scarce for me, slices (inadverted, heavy fades) come far too often. In comparison, this game is heaven!

  • BRosso1
    17 Posts
    Sat, Mar 1 2014 3:50 PM

    ok, how did you do that??  Doesn't do any good to have a boom boom driver and have to mis-hit the ball to emulate a fade or a draw on a dogleg and lost distance because of the mishit......

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Mar 1 2014 4:27 PM


    ok, how did you do that??  Doesn't do any good to have a boom boom driver and have to mis-hit the ball to emulate a fade or a draw on a dogleg and lost distance because of the mishit......


    Hit properly there's not much distance lost in using the draw and fade option. The main thing is to practice with it so you have a good idea how to set up the aimer.

  • ScottHope
    10,610 Posts
    Sat, Mar 1 2014 4:32 PM

    Just to emphasize the draw I aimed way right and clicked as close as possible to the left edge of the shot meter. You don't of course have to be that extreme.

    But if you want to go round something you need to aim away from it otherwise your shot will head straight for what you want to miss.

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