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Game behavior if last "good" ball lost or broken

rated by 0 users
Mon, Mar 17 2014 7:16 PM (40 replies)
  • Ice007
    3 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 10:46 AM



    I don´t like the behavior in matches if the last good ball is lost or broken, the "automatic" selects the "standard" ball as a replacement.


    I´d prefer automatically the "next best" ball should be selected.


    Semper fi 


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 10:49 AM

    Not this one again, does it really need 3 threads a week?

    Please use forum search to see if you're compaint has maybe crossed the minds of other players in the last 5+ years.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 11:15 AM


    Is there anyone who has not has his own ball thread?

    @Ice: Is' nich', gips nich', aus die Maus.

    Nix für ungut.


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 11:36 AM


    Not this one again, does it really need 3 threads a week?

    Please use forum search to see if you're compaint has maybe crossed the minds of other players in the last 5+ years.


    FFS every day its seems someone is on about this.  Read the FAQ and the 10000 other threads pertaining to this. WGT uses the one ball condition from the USGA or something similar at least

    Or how about you have enough of that ball in your bag before you start so that you don't have to worry about this issue. In my 1.5 years of playing this has never really happened to me and when it did I certainly knew what was going to happen and didn't care.

    I know, I know, all the free balls we get for the different things and only have 1 and not gonna buy more of it. Then just don't use it for a single play or anything important, that way if it is lost and you don't wanna go on with starter you can just quit.


  • Ice007
    3 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:08 PM

    Calm down...


    It's all right! Sorry that I'm not such a professional in this forums, like you.

    And btw. i´m also not willing to read 10.000 threads for a simple question.

    It has already been demanded and now I know. 


    Thank you for your understanding.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:22 PM

    Nothing personal Ice, we've all been there

    Hit 'em well.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:39 PM

    That's why the "buy now" button exists.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 2:13 PM


    That's why the "buy now" button exists.

    You gotta be careful with that sucker though.  I have 1 Max Meter ball left from when WGT gave away a sleeve of them and only ever used them for CTTH competitions.  I was playing in a CC round a while ago and on the first tee up popped the last ball reminder.  I went to click the X to close it but accidentally clicked too far left and next thing I knew a sleeve was added to my bag and 600 credits was removed from my account.  No chance to confirm like the pro shop gives you, it's a 1-click purchase.

    I mailed WGT and they very quickly removed the balls and refunded me.  Good job there.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 3:11 PM

    And, if you have one ball left which has been removed from the Pro Shop, it will disappear without any notice and leave you with the Starters.

    I had this event when my Tour Callies were replaced by the Hex Callies - a real pfffft! instance.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 8:09 PM



    I´d prefer automatically the "next best" ball should be selected.

    There is no "next best" ball. Some balls have more spin but less distance. Some balls have more feel but less distance and spin. Some have more distance but no feel. Etc., etc.,etc. The fact is that what you would consider the "next best" ball is not the next player's "next best" ball.

    Allowing players to select the order in which they would like to substitute balls means a player can introduce better balls in the middle of a competitive game. Not a desirable outcome and more programming that returns nothing to WGT financially.

    WGT simply defaults to a ball that is available to everyone and does not allow the player who wasn't responsible enough to stock their bag properly to possibly gain an advantage by switching balls in the middle of a round.

    Players should have a pregame routine just the same as they should have a preshot routine. That pregame routine should include checking to make sure the bag is stocked properly with the correct clubs and balls as well as a large enough quantity of balls. Set your threshold of your desired ball at a minimum of 2, 3 or 4 sleeves instead of 2, 3 or 4 balls. You'll never run out that way and the ball substitution will never be a factor for you. Save the odds and ends for practice and solo play.

    They should, however, allow CC tournament directors to decide as to whether or not players should be allowed to substitute balls in each CC tourney. Additionally they should allow players to substitute balls at will in practice.