Re the UEL RGs... yes, the right ones will work. It's just a matter of finding them.
I was asked to make some suggestions for a large number of UEL RGs, which I forwarded on after consulting with several other players. (See this post for more info)
Perhaps there are just too many, and that's part of the problem... and, in retrospect, I might have suggested easier conditions.
Also, it's an experiment to do UEL RGs for the first time that are tier-specific. Moreover, two of the ones that were suggested and might well have been popular didn't make it, a Cabo 500cr all-tier one, and an Oly F9 50cr all-tier one. And, most important of all, there was a snafu on the main 1000cr high-stakes one, at Merion, which was first created as flat-lie by mistake, and then 'rectified' by making another one (the right one is ID#64065). Now we have an absurd situation where no-one knows which is which, and it's causing both to fill slower. It seems there is no way for WGT to pull a tourney once it's been made. Given this situation, I don't think it's fair to judge whether or not this high-stakes UEL experiment would have worked or not, especially as many people join an RG when they see momentum gathering.
So, there's a combination of issues going on... but even so, the 100cr Kiawah one has filled four times in one week, the 300cr RSG has filled once, and the tier-specific Whistler ones have also filled and are part way through their 2nd turn around.
If anyone has constructive suggestions to make, that would be great. Some lessons I'm taking from this set is that even though there've been many calls for high-stakes, conditions need to be mild... and also, we need a mix of cheap options: this set is definitely missing the 50cr fast turn-around option.