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I Apologize

Mon, May 5 2014 3:49 PM (6 replies)
  • garyun
    113 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 7:04 AM

    I play the game for enjoyment. Sorry I made so many people upset, do not have the money or time to get to that level of play. That is my fault,once again sorry.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 2:38 PM


    I play the game for enjoyment. Sorry I made so many people upset, do not have the money or time to get to that level of play. That is my fault,once again sorry.

    If it was a "sorry" to me, I'd accept the apology, I'm sure those you offended are big enough to accept it to.

    Don't lose heart, anybody can get to Tour Legend.     I refer you to my good friend Topshel2010.    He was a far worse player than yourself when he had a similar number of rounds (he will admit that himself). However, he persevered, reached the pinnacle and is one of the great ambassadors of this game,  always giving words of encouragement to players who think they can't.

    If he can, anybody can....



    Sorry TS,,  I couldn't resist


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 2:55 PM


    What you can do is swap out that hybrid - it's wasting good oxygen.  With mapping you certainly have enough equipment then to easily turn those stats around. Feel free to hit me up with a friend invite if want discuss further.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 4:58 AM


    However, he persevered, reached the pinnacle and is one of the great ambassadors of this game

    If he can get to tour legend playing with a crappy Pinnacle then anything is possible!


    If he can, anybody can....


    Sorry TS,,  I couldn't resist

    I should jolly well hope you're sorry Steve.  Get 'im TS!!



    I play the game for enjoyment. Sorry I made so many people upset, do not have the money or time to get to that level of play. That is my fault,once again sorry.

    I'm sure your apology will be accepted by the player in question, especially if you posted on his wall to say sorry.  You have to bear in mind that this guy has been called a cheat so many times you wouldn't believe it.  

    I have no idea whether it gets less or more annoying each time, I'm not good enough for anyone to ever get the idea I might cheat.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 8:16 AM


    I play the game for enjoyment. Sorry I made so many people upset, do not have the money or time to get to that level of play. That is my fault,once again sorry.

     Gary, I too get aggravated when I see these sub 60 scores.  But, my aggravation isn't at those who are shooting those scores, but, at myself because i'm not shooting those scores. I'm not a bad player...I'm just not as dedicated to this game as I should be.  I admit I have griped, but, all that does is stress a person out worrying about what another player is doing.  The way I see it, instead of griping like me, just try a lot more practice rounds and scored rounds...That's the best advice I ever received from a TL.


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 10:28 AM


  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, May 5 2014 3:49 PM




    I play the game for enjoyment. Sorry I made so many people upset, do not have the money or time to get to that level of play. That is my fault,once again sorry.

    If it was a "sorry" to me, I'd accept the apology, I'm sure those you offended are big enough to accept it to.

    Don't lose heart, anybody can get to Tour Legend.     I refer you to my good friend Topshel2010.    He was a far worse player than yourself when he had a similar number of rounds (he will admit that himself). However, he persevered, reached the pinnacle and is one of the great ambassadors of this game,  always giving words of encouragement to players who think they can't.

    If he can, anybody can....



    Sorry TS,,  I couldn't resist


    It's all good Steve. you were spot on with your assessment of me and my game. I was very frustrated, yet content, being stuck on Master for so long. That is until Bridgestone took me under their wings. It was then I realized, that with the help of good people that were willing to share their knowledge of the game, I was finally able to get over the hump. 

    It took awhile to find that pinnacle you spoke of but it was well worth the effort. I honestly believe I would still be stuck without the help from everyone at Bridgestone. And for that I am truly grateful.

    Garyun: I noticed you do not belong to a Country Club? You will be amazed at how much fun a good country club can be; especially an active club like Bridgestone. You can learn only so much from the weekly WGT tournaments by yourself. Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you cannot find the knowledge within these forums. There is nothing wrong with that. I kept to myself for so long, playing the same courses over and over again. And was getting nowhere. But once I found some help, I was able to find progress as well.

    I am nowhere near among the, excuse the pun, the Top Players here on WGT but I am still having fun. And that is the bottom line... to have fun.

     Very well said....
