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Cool your PC for a smooth meter

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 1 2016 6:12 AM (23 replies)
  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 8:27 AM

    Can't say this will solves everyone's meter probs, but it has for a couple of guys in my CC, so I thought it was worth sharing.

    Both were having the "normal" jittery meter, but it seemed to have got worse recently, to the point of becoming unplayable. After a lot of guesswork, one of them mentioned that he had checked his Bios (?) and the CPU was running a bit hot. He planned to try a new fans and various other options.

    I (half jokingly) said "stick a fan in front of it". Well he did. He took the side panel off the PC, and aimed a desk fan at it. MIRACLE! Meter was smooth as silk. Fan off - jittery again. Fan on - smooth again within 60 seconds.

    Inspired by this, another member tried the same, and got the same result.

    Now I'm no techy, and I'm not saying this is the answer for every ill that WGT can throw at us, but I do know that PCs like to be kept cool, so if yours is giving you grief, this might be a simple cure for some problems.


  • kilbraur
    219 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 10:23 AM

    Laptops ar bad to go overhot. I put gel ice pack for the sporting injury under mine. It stay cool, meter not jerk :)

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 11:19 AM

    Laptops ar bad to go overhot.

    Laptop cooler

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 12:04 PM



     he had checked his Bios (?) and the CPU was running a bit hot. He planned to try a new fans and various other options.

    I (half jokingly) said "stick a fan in front of it". Well he did. He took the side panel off the PC, and aimed a desk fan at it. MIRACLE! Meter was smooth as silk. Fan off - jittery again. Fan on - smooth again within 60 seconds.

    A lot of desktops have a internal fan that blows on the heatsink/processor and an exhaust fan...a lot of times those internal fans will go out and you can't see it...tell him to check it because it shouldn't run hot unless it is barely fast enough to run this game and the pc is in an enclosed cabinet/area...

    the fan Zio posted is a great option for laptops but get a good one, they go bad fast if they are cheap....

    the old gaming computers used to have 2-3 exhaust fans and water cooled heatsinks to keep the processors cool lol..


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 12:25 PM

    I poured water over my Pc i got a jerky meter.  I decided to pour beer over my PC i got a perfectly smooth meter for a few holes, so i decided to pour whisky over pc, I had the most erratic meter ever. I also need a new PC as i have fried Its brains.

    Please, can any one explain to this DUMMY (me) how a cold PC can give you a smooth meter??  Are computers like humans now?  if they work too hard do they get hot and sweaty and need a 15 minute break for coffee before re-starting the next ready go?  I can understand PC's overheating, but how can this impact their running?

    I was using the level 40 Nike RZN balls and meter was smooth as silk playing the virtual open qualifier, i decided to swap to the higher level Nike RZN balls (level 90 i think) and meter began jumping and becoming more erratic.  I know internet conection has a lot to do with meter, but personally i think the program wgt uses on balls/ clubs to change meter speed confuses the game at times.  Meter became so bad i swapped back to the trusty faster meter Nike level 81 balls (5 dots distance and 4 spin with 3.5 meter speed)

    Usually my meter is perfect but tonight the meter has become so erratic i havn't seen it as bad in ages.  I'm going to give PC ice cubes to see if it helps.  But seriously, meter is poor at present, i have tried loads of balls, all the same no matter what speed.

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 3:03 PM

    ^^^ This sado is trying to be funny.....


    Fail...... Try talking to some real friends (if you have any,) instead of typing your crap into a computer.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 3:47 PM


    Please, can any one explain to this DUMMY (me) how a cold PC can give you a smooth meter??  Are computers like humans now?  if they work too hard do they get hot and sweaty and need a 15 minute break for coffee before re-starting the next ready go?  I can understand PC's overheating, but how can this impact their running?

    PC itself doesn't get hot, the processor does, when it gets hot it slows down, too hot the PC will just crash....

    The old Anthlon processors used to get very very hot fast when gaming. if you would replace one or remove the heatsink for any reason, and not put "Thermal Paste" on it, the thing would fry in a matter of a couple of minutes....I heard as fast as 30 seconds


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 3:59 PM


    ^^^ This sado is trying to be funny.....


    Fail...... Try talking to some real friends (if you have any,) instead of typing your crap into a computer.


    O here, we go, Mr IGNORANT is back on the scene, the guy who wont let me post anything without his ABUSIVE COMMENTS.  On your day release from the institute are you?  use your time for something a bit more constructive.  You're getting a bit sad and repetitive.  Answer me one simple question, why do you have to be so abusive when no one was even talking to you??  Why?  Are you autistic by any chance?

    Real friends?  You dont even know who i am, what i do or where i do it, and you come up with more crap.  I think you're a sad lonely guy who himself is the one with no friends thats why you're so angry.  Not able to score any class a's today were you? Or run out of your benefits and cant buy more alcohol?  I love trolls, i'm sure my daughter saw you skulking under the bridge yesterday.  Grow up please, or are you still a teenager?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 4:01 PM

    In the absence of a cool pad for a laptop, prop the back up on a small book, or the like, to let air get underneath it. With PC's, dust can clog a fan up very easily and make it work harder than it should. A can of compressed air is a quick fix if you're not into taking the cover off to clean it. 

    Please, can any one explain to this DUMMY (me) how a cold PC can give you a smooth meter??

    Technical answer...

    The effect of heat on the atomic structure of a material is to make the atoms vibrate, and the higher the temperature the more violently the atoms vibrate.

    In a conductor, which already has a large number of free electrons flowing through it, the vibration of the atoms causes many collisions between the free electrons and the captive electrons. Each collision uses up some energy from the free electron and is the basic cause of resistance. The more the atoms jostle around in the material the more collisions are caused and hence the greater the resistance to current flow.

  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Mon, Jun 23 2014 4:09 PM

    ive been getting the herky jerkies too until today....I just took it out to the pool with me! it smokes once in awhile now but my meter is smooth as silk