CRH, Great color scheme. How did you do that?
Short version: I did it with Adobe Photoshop.
Long version: I PrintScreen'd the scorecard, pasted it into Photoshop, inverted the colors, then changed them up a bit, then used the magnetic lasso tool to remove the photo where Satan is now standing, then I magnetic lasso'd him out of another picture, pasted him in, along with a firey background and a meteor ("screen"-type blend mode -- i.e. the black night sky became invisible, but the meteor still showed.) Then I added glow effects and bevel effects to the text and borders.
It was inspired by Andyson's more comical rendition of The Beast:

(It's extremely hard to see on my computer, even for a young'en like me, so here it goes: in the background is "the beast" holding a sign that says "Visit me at BPB #15", at Vader's desk is a plummeting "Revenue" chart and an endless "Bugs" chart, and in the foreground is a "Player Suggestions" chart that has a big red X and "IGNORED" written on it.)