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Meet and Greet IRL (In Real Life)

Thu, Oct 9 2014 5:18 PM (38 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 9:07 PM

    Hey Everyone-

    WGTdbloshoe just started a thread stating that he was coming to the east coast and wanted to know if some players wanted to meet up and have some drinks or play a round of golf and that got me thinking.

    Why have I never seen a thread in the forums dedicated to players saying where they are from and seeing if there are any other players in their area who wanted to meet up for a round of golf or drinks or something?

    Earlier this year I had the pleasure of playing golf IRL (in real life) with three members of The Deviations CC and had an absolute blast. I played with BeachedMulligan, lvietri, and Fuzzygass, at a course in NY.

    WGT, I think this could be a great addition to "The 19th Hole" section of the main forums page. You could simply call it the "Meet & Greet" section.

    In lieu of that happening, maybe this thread could serve as the best place for us to get the chance to meet fellow WGTers that are living close by and shooting a round of golf  with them IRL.

    So I'll start us off-

    Anybody live in southeastern Connecticut, USA and want to play a round IRL before the snow hits the ground?

    Let me know, would love to meet you.


    edit- so, tell us where you live and maybe you'll find some fellow WGTers in your area and get the chance to play a round of golf with them IRL.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 10:37 PM

    San Francisco and always up for a round of golf!  Never have to worry about the snow either.


    - WGTdbloshoe


  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 5:20 AM

    Live within 2 hours of Jacksonville, Fl.; Savannah, Ga. hit me up.

  • DakotaDog61
    115 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 5:31 AM

    Yeah, I like this idea.

    45 minutes north of Toronto. Have this as our local course, 5 minutes from me:

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 7:58 AM

    Im about an hour from you Wayne..Lou may of financed the Deviations but theres a guy Sam who still owns the CC. I have met up with a few GT er's and it always great memories. It is a great idea.  Gary

  • appy2
    613 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 7:58 AM

    WGTdlloshoe I am in the East bay city of Pleasant Hill. Always trying to look for a game IRL.


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 8:44 AM

    Lou may of financed the Deviations but theres a guy Sam who still owns the CC.

    Thanks Gary.

    Noted and edited.

    Who is this Sam character you speak of? LOL! BIB, my apologies, maybe because Lou is the Head of Media Relations I just assumed he was the owner.....won't happen again.

    Hey Gary, does Icon play? He's about 45 mins east of me, maybe we could find a fourth and meet where I am. Seems to be a good middle ground.

    Let me know.


  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 10:53 AM

    Why have I never seen a thread in the forums dedicated to players saying where they are from and seeing if there are any other players in their area who wanted to meet up for a round of golf or drinks or something?

    Maybe you just missed it. Check out  LET'S BE HONEST. Maybe not exactly what you meant but close.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 11:09 AM

    We're doing a meet and greet in Ireland (IRL) in real life?...seems a long way to go for some?

    Alright, I'll be at The Laurels in Killarney at 10:00 pm sharp...first round on me. (one of the best pubs in town)

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sat, Sep 20 2014 12:54 PM

    Maybe you just missed it. Check out  LET'S BE HONEST. Maybe not exactly what you meant but close.


    No, I didn't miss it, I love that thread and I read it all the time as it gets updated. The "Let's Be Honest" thread is more of a "Who are You?" thread.

    The "Meet & Greet" thread was started so players could meet IRL (in real life) and play a round of golf or just get together, have a drink and say "Hi". The "Let's Be Honest" thread is virtual, the "Meet & Greet" thread would bring us together in real time.

    Does that make sense?
