Fast = Divide distance by 1.1
Very fast = Divide by 1.2
Tournament = Divide by 1.3
Championship = Divide by 1.4
Adjust for elevation before dividing!
I find that these figures work for me (with the caveat about putts inside of 10', and I've never played on a championship green)
However, I have a question about the two tournament speed greens. From what I've read Legend tournament speed is slightly faster, divide by 1.35
When playing a Master-tier only Ready Go, and it indicates Tournament speed, does that mean 1.3, but if I am playing an All Players Ready Go, does that mean 1.35?
When playing any other kind of tournament with tournament speed greens, and the leaderboard is broken down by tier, does that mean 1.3, but if it is tournament where there is just one overall leaderboard, does that mean 1.35?