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Great idea to lesson quitters durastically

Fri, Dec 10 2010 2:58 PM (15 replies)
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  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Nov 28 2010 7:08 AM

    I have played golf games since Tiger Woods '99 game and I remember early on they had a feature where it showed a number by their name pregame.

    This number is the percentage of the time the person completes the round. so if you complete 9 out of 10 games you would have a 90 percent completion percentage.

    so lets say players in the 90's have a green number, 75-90 percent have a yellow number, anywhere below that has a red number cautioning players to avoid the player.

    I remember this worked extremely well because players who were below 75 percentile had a real hard time getting a game.

    Another idea would be to raise peoples average .1 percent every time they quit a game. Being that people care so much about their averages, this would likely were very well also.

    Just my two cents,


  • Genius
    3 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 7:57 PM

    I am with you AB.  It seems as there is at least 1 "quitter" in every Blitz game.  It is becoming quite old...

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Mon, Nov 29 2010 11:00 PM

    For all legal purposes,  "I am not calling them out, just simply displaying a screen shot of game play". Which coincidently, is not against WGT's rules. 

    See the button, use it please.

  • stashu74
    7 Posts
    Tue, Nov 30 2010 6:52 PM

    I agree completely! I have only been a member for a couple of weeks now, but have only been able to complete 2 match plays...out of about seven! I know it will only get worse! I think your suggestion is excellent! I also saw another reply that had a pic of the forfeit space....have that be the only way to exit from any multiplayer type of play....there's your tracking engine.   I had two different people wait for the timer to run out three consecutive times and then even wait on the ensuing screen to see if i would forfeit before they finally did. IT IS JUST A WASTE OF A LOT OF PEOPLES TIME!!




  • sportflyer
    2 Posts
    Sat, Dec 4 2010 6:44 AM

    I agree completely with you AB.  Quitters are driving me crazy and taking the enjoyment out of this game.  There really needs to be some way of discouraging quitting a round, whether it be hitting there rating or, as you suggest, showing a player's round completion percentage.

  • Ballbusterbob
    27 Posts
    Sat, Dec 4 2010 11:06 AM

    Good idea AgentBrown but the biggest frustration I normally incur is players disconnecting while the course is uploading. You wanted to play , so don't see the need to opt out . If quitters and disconnecters receive a penalty of some sort in addition to your idea it may reduce the nonsence. Golf in the real and virtual worlds are difficult enough. It is only a game , but making new friends from around the world and having fun should be our top priority ! This is not my job. No wonder so many people quit playing the game .

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Sat, Dec 4 2010 7:46 PM

    Ok, so I admit that I left a game the other day because I had waited nearly 2 minutes for one of the guys to load.  As I was departing, I glanced at my points total.  When I re-entered to play the next match, my total had dropped by a small fraction.  I don't know if this is what people are looking for as a punishment, or what.  

    For those of us that wish to make "rank", this is a deterrent.  I know I have worked hard to reach my level 45 (tour-pro) and wish to keep earning my levels.  Maybe this is a small yet meaningful gesture by WGT to make us happy. 

  • callant
    77 Posts
    Tue, Dec 7 2010 8:50 AM


    Ok, dus ik toegeven dat ik een spel liet de andere dag, omdat ik had gewacht bijna 2 minuten voor een van de jongens te laden. Zoals ik al vertrekken, keek ik op mijn punten totaal. Toen ik opnieuw invoeren om de volgende wedstrijd te spelen, had mijn totale gedropt door een kleine fractie. Ik weet niet of dit is wat mensen zoeken als een straf, of wat.  

    Voor degenen onder ons die willen "rank" te maken, is dit een afschrikkende werking heeft. Ik weet dat ik hard gewerkt om mijn level 45 te bereiken (tour-pro) en willen blijven verdienen mijn niveau. Misschien is dit een kleine maar betekenisvolle gebaar van WGT maken ons gelukkig. 

  • igiveup
    110 Posts
    Tue, Dec 7 2010 10:41 AM

    A few things about this thread.

    1. Under the most recent changes average score now has little impact.  Levels are determined by the number of rounds completed or shots played. Tiers seems to be tied to number of completed rounds.  So penalising a quitter by adding 0.1 on a average has no impact.
    2. Quitting in a game where players are anonymous will never be controlled.

    Oh, and I hate bad word usage/spelling, lessen is to reduce where lesson refers to teaching and learning.  Durastically is a spelling error the word isn't in my dicionary, I'll assume it should have been drastically.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Dec 7 2010 10:58 AM

    I'm not a grammar specialist/spelling expert and I could care less if I'm punctual in an online golf form.

    But If it makes you happy to feel right about something then I'm glad for you.





    A few things about this thread.

    1. Under the most recent changes average score now has little impact.  Levels are determined by the number of rounds completed or shots played. Tiers seems to be tied to number of completed rounds.  So penalising a quitter by adding 0.1 on a average has no impact.

    Well not sure if you've noticed but the changes they've made have not really fixed the quitting issue at all.


    Quitting in a game where players are anonymous will never be controlled.

    What's your logic behind this? It would not be hard to implement a system that tracks the percentage of completed rounds. They did exactly this in Tiger Woods '99, an 11 year old game.

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