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Sand trap help

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Sat, Apr 18 2015 1:56 AM (14 replies)
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  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 1:51 PM

     no matter how we try at some point you end up in a trap. Four years playing and I still can't come up with a reliable method for getting out of one. If lie is like 20%-25% you can flop depending on distance from the green. Problem is like a 40%-50% lie with a little distance. Have tried punching, and full swing but seems "hit or miss" to me. Most of time I'm long or short of where I want to be. Open for "serious" suggestions. 


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 2:26 PM

    It is not a precise art Tracy.

    Like u say close up in a decent lie, a flop works well.

    If u are in 40-50 and have less than twenty yards, hit a full shot and add 8 - 10 yards of power.  But expect a lot of roll.

    Always move the dot right down to the bottom.

    TBH I don't see 40-50% lies in bunkers too often.

    For longer distances the punch works like on Kiawah #2, if u are in the front as u look, then u have about 40 yards to pin, a fifty punch there is perfect.

    Here's an example on Oakmont back 9, ranked, champ greens and a 30-40 lie 53 yards from pin.

    I hit a 68 punch full power.


    No doubt someone will come along with better advice.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 4:17 PM

    For longer distances the punch works like on Kiawah #2, if u are in the front as u look, then u have about 40 yards to pin, a fifty punch there is perfect.

    I punch all the traps if a pitch doesn't get out. BPB you can flop out a lot if you're so inclined but that's where I learned how to pitch out.  :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 4:34 PM

    Bunker play is very different from real life golf, and getting the ball to stop quickly is nigh on impossible (depending on the green gradient).

    Some courses play differently - on BPG I either Flop or Pitch every shot, On other courses I punch regardless of the lie.

    The key knowing which hole you can play a certain type of shot, I use punch as I know how far the ball will fly depending on the lie (approx.). The next step is the harder part - depends on the slope of the green how far the ball will roll out. Note I usually use full b/s

    The only was to improve is use mulligans in practice - try all shots vary the spin and the power and record the results.....then move to the next hole and repeat.

    My bunker play has improved vastly - it was in single digits when I was a master!

    Now I find very few bunkers - which is the obvious best solution lol.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 5:24 PM

    I rely on the punch 90% of the time regardless of lie or distance. On the green-side situations, I like the punch because of how much you can decrease the % of can go very low. But the flop at times and maybe full on others, but I don't pitch anything ever....not sand, not perfect fairway grass, never ;-}

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 5:33 PM

    thank you all for the advice, will keep plugging away. (hopefully hitting less traps!)


  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 5:38 PM


    It is not a precise art Tracy.

    Like u say close up in a decent lie, a flop works well.

    If u are in 40-50 and have less than twenty yards, hit a full shot and add 8 - 10 yards of power.  But expect a lot of roll.

    Always move the dot right down to the bottom.

    TBH I don't see 40-50% lies in bunkers too often.

    For longer distances the punch works like on Kiawah #2, if u are in the front as u look, then u have about 40 yards to pin, a fifty punch there is perfect.

    Here's an example on Oakmont back 9, ranked, champ greens and a 30-40 lie 53 yards from pin.

    I hit a 68 punch full power.


    No doubt someone will come along with better advice.

    great shot! Can't believe you got a punch over that steep a bank! 

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Apr 16 2015 6:59 PM

    Thanks, I never really gave it a second thought, but u are right.

  • ScottHope
    10,685 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2015 1:11 AM
    Here's some good reading.


  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Fri, Apr 17 2015 1:06 PM

    I use 64 or 60-degree flop for 15-20, or 30-40. But, for 40-50, i almost always use punch. Key is to allow for lots of roll out.

    Cheers, Fwys & Greens



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