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Tough-It-Out VT June event: Pinehurst #2

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 8 2015 8:28 PM (147 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 8:05 PM

    Heads up... our next monthly VT Tough-It-Out event begins Thursday 6/11 @ Pinehurst!

    TOURNEY OPENS Thursday 6/11

    R1 runs Thu 6/11 - Wed 6/17; R2 runs Thu 6/18 - Wed 6/24


    After the success of the holiday special at the beginning of the year, A Bandon Hope, and the four follow-up tourneys @ RSG in Feb, Kiawah in March, Bethpage in April, and Congressional in May, the Tough-It-Out VT bandwagon moves on to Pinehurst for June. We are offering a monthly TIO Starters-only tourney running parallel to the VT. 

    Prior 2015 events: 

    Jan: A Bandon Hope  (LB)

    Feb: Tough-It-Out VT Feb event: Royal St. George's  (LB)

    Mar: Tough-It-Out VT Mar event: Kiawah Island  (LB)

    Apr: Tough-It-Out VT Apr event: Bethpage Black  (LB)

    May: Tough-It-Out VT May event: Congressional  (LB)

    Tough-It-Out competitions have run for several years as community organized events here on WGT (see example here). The Tough-It-Out concept is all about trying to mimic the hardest conditions in Major Championship golf, giving us the challenge of trying to tackle the toughest courses in a manner similar to that faced by the top pros. Par will be a great score! 

    By using Starter Clubs and Balls only, and doing it with Uneven Lies we believe this is the hardest test on WGT, and it's one that's a level playing field (pun intended) for all participants. 

    WGT is offering a sleeve (of good balls) to the top 5 players in this 2 single-play rounds event (Thanks Shoe!). Good luck! 

    FYI: We had hoped that these events would be official tourneys visible to all players through the game client, but apparently there are some programming issues with that because of the restricted club settings... so it will be accessed just via a link to be posted here: so, please help spread the word with friends and your Country Club:

    TOURNAMENT ENTRY LINK is HERE (event starts Thu 6/11: 1st Rnd ends Wed 6/17)

    ***Remember, to be in the running for any of the special prizes (see next post below), take SCREEN SHOTS of both f9 & b9 CARDS and all the STATS!!!!!***

    The tourney is open to all tiers and levels. We'll all be using the same clubs, balls, green speeds, and lies.

    PLEASE NOTE: the tourney link (when live from Thursday on) will take you directly to the game client, and if you do not have full Starter Clubs and Ball equipped, you'll get a warning message. Shoe sets these up as equipment-restricted events: please make sure you have only the original free Starter clubs equipped. 

    We really do want to encourage newbies to give it a go. It's a great chance for new players (who may be more familiar than old fogies with these clubs) to pit themselves against the best on WGT, and for the experienced player, it's a opportunity to revisit the fun of playing the game without the pressure of needing to make a birdie on almost every hole.

    Here are the tournament dates and conditions (so you can all get some practice in!).

    Note: I deliberately chose conditions to match those of both the VUSO Qualifying set-up last year, and the subsequent US Women's Open event (R2) that followed later in the summer. Several of us tried those set-ups with Starters (albeit they were not UEL) and so those scores are our target. You can see how we did last year in this thread.

    R1 :: Thu 6/11 to Wed 6/17 ::

    18 holes; Pinehurst #2Black (Champ) tees, Mod Wind, Champ13 greens, default pins, Uneven Lies, equipment restricted to Starter Clubs and Ball

    R2 :: Thu 6/18 to Wed 6/24 ::

    18 holes; Pinehurst #2White (Medium) tees, Low wind, Tourney12 greens, default pins, Uneven Lies, equipment restricted to Starter Clubs and Ball



    WGTdbloshoe is generously offering a sleeve (of good balls) to the top 5 finishers across two completed rounds.

    Other prizes will be announced below shortly, depending on what donations come in. Please feel free to offer something if you are so moved! As with prior Tough-It-Out events, we want to encourage sharing of descriptions and snapshotted scorecards and stats, so there'll be special prizes in different categories. And, of course, it would be great if any participants are willing and able to Twitch their rounds.

    Any questions, please feel free to ask here in the thread.

    Thanks, and have fun!


    (event starts Thu 6/11: 1st Rnd ends Wed 6/17)


    Please do remember to take care equipping your bag properly ahead of play (i.e. before clicking on the link to enter):

    This tournament is only to be played with the full Starter Club set:

    Starter Driver,

    Starter 3W,

    Starter 3H,

    Starter Sand Wedge,

    Starter Lob Wedge,

    Starter Iron Set,

    Starter Putter,

    and Starter Ball.


    P.S: Just in case it isn't obvious to everyone: FocusBoost has no place in a Tough-It-Out event.

    The whole point of these tournaments is that we are all experiencing the same conditions, with the same clubs, balls... & the same challenging meter speed.

    I hope and trust that no-one will try and use FocusBoost in these events. Thank you!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 8:08 PM

    <reserved for prize information>


    WGTdbloshoe will award a sleeve to the top 5 on the final leaderboard

    In addition... there are Special Prizes, announced below.

    If anyone wants to be a sponsor, or has another particular prize they think should be offered, please let me know.

    Special Prizes:

    1) Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation      SPONSORED: Corwyn

    2) Closest Ave. Distance to the Hole              SPONSORED: Ianzzz

    3) Greatest overall total distance made putts.          SPONSORED: JoeMaverick   

    4) Longest putt made           SPONSORED:  alcaucin

    5) 'Sticking With It Award' (highest scoring finisher that posts all cards&stats) SPONSORED: Ianzzz

    6) Least Number of Bogeys or Worse              SPONSORED: mkrizan86

    7) Most Number of Birdies or Better              SPONSORED: mkrizan86

    8) Most 1-Putt Saves (as determined by scorecard)          SPONSORED: mkrizan86


    Special Prize Sponsors:

    I can put up the two sleeves as last time - the sticking with it and the closest average to pin




    I will give a sleeve to the prize of your choice ;)


    Stick me down for longest putt prize C


    Update on mkrizan86's prize sponsorships: Jure is being extremely generous and covering the following three prizes (including ties!):

    Least Number of Bogeys or Worse

    Most Number of Birdies or Better

    Most 1-Putt Saves (as determined by scorecard)

    And I'll sponsor the GIR prize again.



    Remember: To be in the running for special prizes, please note you will need to share screenshots of your scorecard and stats.

    Tips on how to take screenshots are here: and here.

    My recommended free hosting service is: -- free, and no signup required) which will provide you with a 'direct link' which you paste in after clicking the 'Insert Media' button above.


    Again, any donations of prizes will be gratefully accepted! Don't be shy... !

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 8:08 PM


    Here is the final wrap-up of Special Prizes: (copied after the fact from page 14 post):

    Here's the wrap-up of special prizes:


    Thank you again to our community sponsors: such generosity, and so many prizes this month!

    Winners are noted below and their results are shown in the Stats Spreadsheet for the tourney:

    Here is a pic of the final standings for these prizes: right-click on the image to enlarge, and keep clicking until you get largest view

    Note I've added a highlight in yellow on the box where that player won that category, and highlights in blue if they were next in the standings.


    Notable achievements from Stats sheet:

    Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation:... ColumbusStorm took the honors here with 50%, a very impressive total given Pinehurst's turtleback greens.fmagnets came in 2nd with 44.5%.

    Closest Average Distance to the Pinmkrizan86 was our winner here, with a wonderful total of 8.3ft, and just edged out Lypra with 9.2ft and KoVaCH 10.4ft.

    Number of saves: (total number of 1-putt par saves through 36 holes, as shown on all cards): ... alcaucin really impressed in this category with a total of 17 saves (which may be a record). mkrizan86 came in 2nd with 15.

    Most Number of Birdies: Birdies were hard to come by @ Pinehurst, with 5 being our top number, shared by CorwynxprtHIOsoon, and Vaibhav5viv.

    Least Number of Bogies: fmagnets had the least bogies with just 8, closely followed by JoeMaverick with 9, proving once again that that's the most likely route to the lowest scores.

    Greatest overall total distance made putts: Our winner xprt came close to our record-high total here with an outstanding aggregate of 268.13ft. HIOsoon (with 223.83) and Vaibhav5viv (with 213.14) also topped 200.

    Longest putt made: was by HIOsoon with a staggering 62.9ft effort in R1, whilexprt managed a 50.5ft putt in R2.

    Least # of Putts: was by mmyers0 with 51 (22/29). Next was mkrizan86 with 52 (26/26).

    No 3-Putts: 5 players managed to avoid a 3-putt this time: JoeMaverick, fmagents, Corwyn, xprt, and mkrizan86.

    And, finally, congrats to Lypra, who picks up Ian's great 'Sticking With It' award for the highest scoring finisher that goes the duration and also shares all cards and stats. Lypra "edged" it by 1 shot from AdamK70!


    Prizes sleeves have all now been sent promptly and efficiently. Thank you!

    ColumbusStorm        1 sleeve from Corwyn   (lvl81 Nikes SENT)

    mkrizan86       1 sleeve from Ianzzz   (lvl90 RZN Blacks SENT)

    xprt     1 sleeve from alcaucin (lvl85 Nikes SENT); 1 sleeve from JoeMaverick  (lvl85 Nikes SENT)

    HIOsoon         1 sleeve from alcaucin   (Max Slow Meter SENT); 1 sleeve from mkrizan86       (Max Slow Meter SENT)

    Lypra        1 sleeve from Ianzzz   (lvl71 Nikes SENT)

    fmagnets        1 sleeve from mkrizan86   (lvl90 Nike Blacks SENT)

    Corywn      1 sleeve from mkrizan86   (lvl81 Nikes SENT)

    Vaibhav5viv      1 sleeve from mkrizan86    (lvl40 Red Nikes SENT)

    alcaucin    1 sleeve from mkrizan86    (Max Slow Meter SENT)

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 8:28 PM

    Oh well, time to get my average up a bit.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 8:41 PM


  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 11:35 PM

    1st round is really champ tees,champ greens or am I reading it wrong? :)

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Jun 10 2015 12:04 AM

    not as bad as it sounds razza.

    The problem holes on the front are #4 whatever the wind, and #8, just unreachable.

    The par 5 is tricky because of that slope to the left, and on the Par 3 6th in a crosswind I hit driver to 12 feet and made the putt.

    I am thinking the back nine will be worse.

    Yep, a lot worse.

    Only birdie chances are #13 and the par 3's.

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Wed, Jun 10 2015 11:54 AM


    not as bad as it sounds razza.

    Haha not the conditions John, I just hate this course(in game and irl).. Dont even play alt shots here...

  • Ianzzz
    6,370 Posts
    Wed, Jun 10 2015 1:03 PM

    Ready to try again !

    I can put up the two sleeves as last time - the sticking with it and the closest average to pin



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jun 10 2015 6:54 PM

    Thank you so much Ian, that's really generous of you once again! Very much appreciated!!!

    Yes, this set-up will be tough... but that's the point, folks. Best of luck to you all!

    Shoe sent through the event link earlier today (thanks Shoe!), and I've just included it in the opening post. Tourney opens tonight, just after midnight, as soon as we reach Thursday, 6/11 in WGT time.


    (event starts Thu 6/11: 1st Rnd ends Wed 6/17)